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I woke up to my head on his chest and his arms loosely wrapped around my body. I lie in the position for a few minutes, the events of last night still lingering. We were in his room. I had slept in his room... oh god. It looked exactly how I envisioned it: a large room filled with only the basic tools for survival: a book, laptop, and bed. Quitely, I unwrapped his arms from my body as I attempted to get up slowly without waking up, but I seemed to have forgotten about my ankle. The second my foot touched the floor, I cried out in pain, "fuck" I muttered a bit too loud.

He quickly sits up, brushing a stray hair from his face out of the way, "how's your ankle." he grumbled in a sleepy voice that was not often used.

"It's fine." I lie, but he sees right through it, "It'll be fine in a few days. I'll get some aspirin." I say, but his face turns into one of fear, and his body tenses.

"No drugs." he shakes his head, getting out of the bed, his bed. The bed I slept in.

I laugh a small laugh, "It's not drugs, Ares. It's just aspirin." I defend.

He nods reluctantly with a slight fear in his eyes, "Fine."

I try getting up from the bed, but he stops me, shaking his head, "Stay in bed. It's Saturday." he sighs, still wearing his stern face, "I'll stay home to work."

I scoot back for a second, tilting my head slightly, "Ares, it's fine. Really, go to work." but the uncertainty in my voice reluctantly crept through. Never had I seen him take a day off of work, never, and as far as anybody else was concerned, he hadn't. Yes, I asked.

"I'm staying." he persists.

"Please just go." he has a job, and he has his duties as CEO of Russo Corporation and Wang Energy.

He mumbles something, sitting back down on the bed and setting his hands on my lap, slowly sliding it up, sending a wave of shock through my body, "you can barely walk."

"I'll call Lucia, okay?" I sighed with a small smile, "Go, Ares." and he reluctantly did. I hated being helpless and unproductive; it was a waste of my time, but I suppose everyone needed rest.

Ten minutes later

Thankfully, Lucia lived only a few minutes away and would be here in no time. I was right; within minutes, I heard a loud knock on the bedroom door, "Lucia?"

"Who else would it be?" she laughed, barging in, "Oh god. What happened."

I nod my head in embarrassment, "I may or may not have tripped in the rain... when I was out with Ares."

Her face dropped. "Okay, before you continue, I have a surprise."

I hurry back hesitantly because the last time she had a 'surprise,' I nearly ended up with my hair fried off, "Alright..."

"Come on in, girls." she smiled widely, girls?

Anticipation crept up my chest, and as the door creaked open, my heart skipped a beat. From my vantage point, I could only see shadows. I watched the door creak open, revealing the familiar figures stepping into the room. Oh my god.

"Isabella! Jasmine!" I yelled, my mouth wide open as they ran to me. I had gone to school with these girls since we were in high school. Isabella came in first, confident, with a hair toss to her curly hair, dressed in her usual casual shirt and sweats. Jasmine came in but radiating completely different vibes. Lady Jasmine of Nordova came in like she owned the place.

"Suprise!" Lucia grinned. Oh god, it had been nearly a year since I had seen the girls. Isabella left a while back after her ex left her at the altar, and Jasmine lived in Nordova.

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