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Ares's Pov

We were eating lunch at three since our afternoon was packed. Sophia was still fidgeting with her bracelet as we ate in silence. She raised her head as if to say something but quickly looked down at her pasta.

"What is it?"

Her head tilted slightly, "I'll be out tonight." as she took a small bite of her food.

My curiousness crept up my throat and took the better of me as I blurted out, "Where?"

She hesitated for a moment, biting her lips, then mumbled, "Double date." seeing my silence, she added, "We agreed on that."

"Right." She told me about this double date with such disregard, as if she were discussing the weather, her eyes twinkling with excitement. My gut twisted, but I was quick to dismiss it as nothing more than annoyance at the inconvenience. The absurdity of the situation crept into my mind - after all, why should I care? It wasn't as though I harbored feelings for her. Our marriage was nothing but a contractual agreement.

In a desperate attempt to deflect my feelings, I reached for a fruit platter nearby, stuffing a slice of apple into my mouth to silence the voice within that was a cacophony of feelings I didn't want to confront.

"Have a blast," I murmured, the words sounding oddly foreign as I forced them out. It was absurd. I had no reason to care who she went out with, right? I should be happy she was occupied, shouldn't I? Yet, there was a relentless ache inside that I refused to acknowledge.

She sighs, "I hope."

"So where is this date at? Who's going to be there?" I pressed.

My curiosity seemed to surprise her, but she answered, "We're going to the gym. Before you judge, he likes working out, and he suggested we go to a restaurant, but I thought it would be better." the gym... great.

"Who is the second lucky couple," my voice sardonic.

"Fuck" she muttered, a notification popping up on her phone as her face morphed into one of disappointment. Did her date cancel?

"Darling... Did your date cancel?"

She shook her head, and an unexpected wave of something hit me. I don't know what it was, but it didn't feel good.

"No, Adeline and Kasper aren't going anymore," she muttered, sinking into her chair. Adeline and Kasper, the names sounded oddly familiar.





"Adeline Sharma and Kasper Andersen?" I ask, dumbfounded.

She looks up confused, nodding slowly as if I'm stupid, "Yeah, Adeline's a family friend." seeing my confusion as to why she is friends with the Wife of the CEO of one of the largest companies, she explains, "you realize I grew up in this industry right?" she laughs, my face still stricken with shock.

It quickly turns back into one of a light smile, "Right. Casually friends with Kasper Andersen." I had met him a few times at events but never really maintained a conversation; unlike both of them, I made my name. I made my name from nothing.

"Too bad they aren't going." she sighs, "It's just going to be Kenji and me now."

"The janitor, Kenji?" The words sputtered out of my mouth. She's going out with our janitor? Oh god, she could do so much better, and as much as I hated to admit she was beautiful.

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