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Ares POV

We were supposed to leave today for New York, but I can't not today. I'm not ready and there was no way in hell I was going to let Sophie go to that place by herself. Fuck. I tilt my head backward. I shouldn't care, I shouldn't care where she goes, but I do. I do. I care so much.

I also had dinner with some business associates at a restaurant tonight, and she was required to come since it was Friday. And unfortunately, her absolute shitstain of a father would be there.

Today was entertaining. I had to fire ten people because they were doing their jobs incompetently, and if Bella Wang worked directly under me, she would be on the streets by now, but alas, she isn't.

Sophie came downstairs in some sweats with her bags.

I wince, "we can't go today."

Her face drops into shock then anger, "What?"

"We can't go today. I have dinner with really important people." I sigh, "You should go get ready."

"Can't I just go by myself?" my heart drops.

"No." I spit harsher than I expected and she flinches. Fuck.

"I'm sorry." I breathe out in a light whisper, but it's too late. She nods with a sad smile, her entire body tense. I wince, squeezing my hands so hard it starts to bleed.

Sophie POV

This man was so infuriating. One day, he's nice, and the next, he's pushing back our trip three times in a row. What was his problem with me going by myself? I think we had something good going now, but it's gone. He had been slowly and slowly letting his guard down, but the cold, stoic Ares was back, and I'm pretty sure it was because of New York. Something about damn New York. If he didnt want to go, then let me go by myself, but every time I mention it, he seems that it's the worst thing ever to happen.

I take a skinny black dress and slip it on. Oh god. I never wore things like this skimpy and revealing, but if he wanted to be petty and go low... two could play this damn game. He knows I've been working really damn hard to try to run for CFO, and canceling multiple times on Giovanni Ricci wasn't necessarily helping. Now I have to wait another two weeks until he's available.

I exhaled a deep breath, wincing at the mirror. It looked good. I looked really hot, but no way in hell would he allow his business associates and my father to see me in such a state. I don't like being petty, but this man has left me no choice.

The dress was black with a deep cowl neck and a large slit, barely being held together by gold chains.

I hesitate before walking down the stairs, and the second I reach the floor, his gaze darts onto my body, looking me up and down. I expect him to yell about now... like my father, but he doesn't. He just stares at me. With admiration, not disgust, not with hate, but with admiration. How the fuck is he staring at me with admiration when I'm wearing this and about to go to a restaurant with a 1-month waitlist. What the actual fuck.

"Ready?" he asks, his voice still unsteady. My eyes slowly follow his eyes... his arms... his veins, and down to his hands, his bloody hands. There are cut marks that werent there before... what happened?

I nod, following him into the car. I'm still half expecting him to tell me to change or tell me to cover up, but he's silent the entire time there. He doesn't say a word. Not a single one.

My heart raced as we approached the restaurant, and I couldn't ignore the nervous energy buzzing within me. Tonight was different—I had chosen an outfit that, by my usual standards, was a bit more daring. The upscale restaurant's entrance loomed ahead, and I couldn't shake the feeling of being under Ares's scrutinizing gaze.

"What's going on? Why is it empty? Did they close or something?" I asked, my brow furrowed

"I booked the entire restaurant. You really think I'd let another man see you like this?" Ares's voice cut through the tension, his tone cold like the one he greeted me with when we had first met. No hint of a smile softened his expression, and it sent a shiver down my spine. I fidgeted, cheeks flushing with a mix of embarrassment and a strange arousal. Did he manage to book a restaurant with a 1-month waitlist in half an hour? Lord.

As we entered the restaurant, Ares's hand rested firmly on the small of my back, guiding me through the empty space. The usual buzz of chatter and clinking utensils was absent, amplifying my self-awareness. The atmosphere felt charged with intensity.

Walking towards an isolated corner, Ares pulled out a chair for me. His eyes never left mine, and the dim lighting played on the contours of his face, adding to the enigmatic aura that surrounded him with confusion.

"You did this for me?" I questioned.

"Of course," Ares said, his tone reflecting the sincerity of his intentions.

I took my seat, and he took his. Petty really doesn't get you far.

"Why don't you want to go to New York?" I sigh.

He hesitates, panic flashing across his face for a mere second. He stays silent for a few more seconds before exhaling, "my father." oh. He says, his voice nearly cracking. I don't push. Family is clearly a touchy subject.

"I promise we'll leave tomorrow, though." he bites his lips to break the silence.


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