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"Ares," Adrian mutters, welcoming himself into my office. Great.

I hesitate for a second, setting the files down, "What are you doing here, Dupont?" his arrival was surprising considering he lived in New York, but then again, many traveled for work.

"I heard you coming home for the first time in what?" he wondered, sitting down, "ten years?" he meant New York... home? I wouldn't necessarily call that place home; I grew up there, yes, but San Fransisco was my home. San Fransisco was where everything I cared about was: my company and my wife... More so, my company.

I nod, clenching my jaw, "Sophie is going there for a big company deal, and I should be there as well." I looked down, muttering, "Just in case."

He tilts his head, almost in shock, "You care for her..."

This makes me look up, meeting his gaze... no, "Shut up, Dupont, as I said, there's a big deal there." but the hesitation and uncertainty wavering in my voice shone through.

"You'd go back to New York for a deal? It was just a few months ago you declined a direct invitation from the Princess Valeria of fucking China, but you'd go for this?" he pressed, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Yes! Okay? I would. There's no way I'm letting her go there by herself..." my voice falters, and my heartbeat quickens, "no way."

The finality in my tone showed that there was no more room for this discussion, and he knew that.

He shook his head, sighing reluctantly, "I'm here to personally invite you to a gala I'm hosting." he smiled with a smirk, handing me a piece of carefully scripted paper.

I nod, fully knowing I won't be going, and it was just a mere formality between friends, "thank you." I take a quick laugh before kicking him out, "get out, Dupont," I grunt, waving my hand toward the door.

I was in need of a new assistant since I promoted Dina. It wasn't that she was qualified but more so that I wouldn't say I liked her presence. Now Sophie had to deal with her nagging and annoying excuse for a voice. Yay :D. The other day made quite a scene... a scene that was more or less enjoyable. Sophie yelling at Dina was the highlight of my week, aside from the night at the pier, and that said a lot about me. A lot about the life I was living.

She had chosen to stay home. No, I forced her to stay home, though she was probably going over cases. She had friends come over yesterday and dried denying, but the mess that was made couldn't possibly been made by a girl with a hurt ankle.

"Ares." a familiar voice called. Sophie.

I scoff, my eyes lingering on her hair, sweeping her shoulders, slowly cascading down her neck, walking in with a slight limp, "What the hell are you doing here, Sophie?"

She shrugs with a smile, "We are alike in many ways. One of them is the inability to sit around and being unproductive. Besides, my ankle is fine." it wasn't fine. I could still visibly see the red, swollen skin wrapping around me, but I just nodded.

Slowly walking up to my desk, her eyes met the invitation, frowning, "another gala?" she groans with annoyance, lacing her voice. I assumed she had grown accustomed to the many events our life expected us to attend, but I suppose growing up in wealth didn't make her excited about this.

I shrugged. "We don't have to go."

She tilts her head, "We can talk about it later, but...," she sighs, shaking her head, "besides, we'll be in New York for a while." New York... My entire body tensed, an immediate and involuntary reaction to the words that cut through the air like a knife. The atmosphere shifted, and an icy chill settled over me, freezing my muscles in place. My jaw clenched, teeth grinding together as the room seemed to constrict, and my breath caught, suspended in the charged silence that followed.

"Ares, you good?" she asks, concern slowly creeping up her throat, but all I can do is nod.

I breathe in and out, "Yeah. How's Dina?" I asked to change the topic. Over a month and a half, I would say we had become more of friends than just strangers living in the same home. The second I said 'I do,' I could see her indifference towards me, and I used to think the same of her. No, I do think the same of her.

I couldn't go to an event without someone telling me how big a catch Sophie was, and all I could do was nod and smile. I started Russo Corporation for a company, not a social life, but I couldn't have one without the other.

She tilts her head, biting her inner lip, "She's snarky, but I put her in her place." I laugh at that. What I'd give to see that, what I'd give, "Oh, and I uh talked to Kenji." My smile drops completely.

She talked to Kenji before me? Looking down, gritting out, "and?"

She slowly bows her head forward, "he's coming with us to New York."

What? The. Actual. Fuck.


"Yes, he is. Dina can't come so he'll serve as my assistant there. Right. Mhm assistant.

She sighs again, adding, "he has a home there. We'll be staying at his house. It's close to everything, the gala's the center of society, and it's also free." she adds a quick laugh.

I just shake my head. Money wasn't. A problem, and I'd pay a shit ton not to live wherever his house was, "need I remind you I spent 400k for a painting... for you. I will not hesitate to spend more for a more comfortable living situation." she seemed taken aback a smile slowly gracing her lips.

"Ares, please. We have been offered a home to use for free at the center of New York if you want to go live in a more comfortable place, be my guest, but I'm staying with Kenji." there was some uncertainty in her voice as if she were pressing, pressing to see whether I would stay or not.

As I rested my hands on the table, my fingers betrayed my inner feelings, gripping the edges as if seeking a lifeline. A deep breath, slow and measured, did little to dispel the tension in the room. My jaw clenched involuntarily, and the muscles in my shoulders tensed. The ambient sounds of the room faded, replaced by the erratic beat of my own heart, "Not happening, Sophie." my voice sounded weak as if a plea, "I'm coming." no way was I leaving her in New York by herself.

She smiles as my body releases a breath, and everything calms, "Okay then." Oh god. I just agreed to go to New York... and live in a dump.

"Fuck." she mutters, sinking her head into her hands at something on her phone.

"What is it? Are you okay?" the words fall out of my mouth unintentionally.

She shakes her head, "Look." handing the phone to me. Fuck. It's an article by Times magazine... on our marriage. A marriage they are calling fake, or at least it's indicating that. Holy fuck, times fucking magazine, everyone's going to see this. Everyone is going to know, and the entire reason that I got into the marriage would fall, and more deals would be lost. If this gets confirmed, I'll go back to being the poor kid that got lucky, and that's fucking around, but that isn't me. I worked my ass off to get where I am now.

"Why would they even care?"

"Soph," I whisper, "surely you know this? We'll be leaving next week for... you know." I nod.

She takes a deep breath, looking down before shifting her eyes to my gaze, "We have to make our," she points between us, "thing-"

"Marriage." I corrected.

She hesitates for a moment, "Yes, marriage. Believable."

These people were mental. We kissed and waved, what part was unbelievable. Did they expect me to mount her in the middle of the gala floor?

"How?" She adds, sighing, taking her black hair into a bun.

I shrugged. "Just we'll figure it out later. I have a deal to go over." I didn't want to talk more about New York than needed. 

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