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I was jolted awake by the sound of something tapping against the side of the wall, my heart racing as I struggled to shake off the remnants of sleep. For a moment, I lay there, disoriented and groggy, my eyes searching the room for this stupid, annoying sound that woke me up. I can't find it. Great.

I quickly slip on a pair of slippers, walking downstairs to open the door.

Ares sat on the doorstep, sitting in a rainstorm completely unbothered. The rain fell in sheets around him, drenching his dark hair and cascading down his broad shoulders in a relentless downpour. Each droplet seemed to cling to his form, tracing the contours of his body with a glistening sheen. His posture was tense, his back rigid against the cold stone beneath him.

"Ares?" I called out, my voice trembling with uncertainty as I pushed open the window, the cool night air rushing in to meet me. "What are you doing out there?" my voice barely a mumble..

He turned towards me, his expression unreadable in the shadows. "Sorry for waking you," he murmured, his voice barely audible over the sound of the rain.

I shook my head, a surge of worry coursing through me as I took in his drenched form. "It's okay," I reassured him, though my mind was racing with questions. "God's sake, you're drenched sitting outside at god knows what time, and you're worried about waking me?"

Ares hesitated, his gaze flickering away before meeting mine once more. "I couldn't sleep," he admitted, his words laced with a hint of vulnerability. "Thought some fresh air might help."

Before I could respond, he continued, his voice barely above a whisper, "I don't want to go back inside," he whispered, his words sending a shiver down my spine. "Not there."

My breath caught in my throat as his words sank in. What was so horrible about this place? Why was it so damn hard for him to just come in.

"Ares, you shouldn't be out here in the rain."

But he shook his head, his eyes pleading with me to understand. "I'm sorry for waking you," he repeated, his voice thick with emotion. "I just... I couldn't stay in there."

"Just come in. Please... it's better than sitting out in the rain. I'll make some hot cocoa." I whisper in a near plea.

He looks down hesitating before standing up, his wet body towering over me so tall it sends shivers down my spine. He's silent... he just nods before walking in.

I hand him a blanket to prevent the man from getting hypothermia, "are you insane?" I ask meaning it to be harsh, but it comes out in a concerned voice filled with fear.

He looks up at me his entire body shaking, not from the cold... but from something inside the house. His entire body was tense, and his fists were bunched up in fists threatening to cut through anything. As my eyes met him all I could see was fear. No... something much deeper than that. He looked fucking terrified staring around the house, it was etched into his every breath, his every move, and his every word.

"Are you okay?" I close my eyes placing my hand on the tip of his chest, I feel his body practically shiver at the touch, his breath growing faster and thicker by the second.

"Im sorry." he whispers a near sob tears filling up the side of his eyes, the sight shocked me. Everything that he was, everything that he worked so hard to keep his image was crumbling in front of me. The man who never showed weakness was on the verge of tears. 

But before I could respond, he shifted away from me, as if retreating into himself.

I closed my eyes, and without thinking, I reached out, wrapping my arms around him in a tight embrace. He stiffened at first, his muscles tense beneath my touch. But then, slowly, he began to relax, his resistance melting away as he leaned into my body.

I hold him, feeling the rise and fall of his chest against mine, the warmth of his body seeping into my skin as his body relaxed completely into mine. And as he finally hugged me back, I could hear his rapid breathing slowly grow steady.

I pull away, my hands still on his body, "are you gonna tell me what's going on?" I ask, though it was a reach. He opened up more today than in a very long.

A shaky breath escapes his throat as his eyes turn cold again only a glimpse of vulnerability stays, "I'm sorry Soph, I really am." I nod. I understand.

A small smile creases my face, "I get it Ares, you can tell me when your ready." obviously there was something, big or small I would be there, I would be there to help.

A/N: its gonna be awhile until I update again. i barely squeezed this chapter out my arse. I need to review a lot of shit. sorry if its a bit short I promise the chapters will start becoming longer its just I've been in such a big slump with this book! I'm rereading and its so shit... like idk what to say. this is where the book gets interesting! <3

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