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I stood outside my building, waiting for her. She had an idea of where to go. I had offered to take her to an expensive Italian restaurant, but I suppose Sophie was over it. In a week, we would be going to New York, my least favorite place. It was beautiful, yes, but the things that happened there would never be erased from my mind. They were imprinted forever, and she wasn't going there by herself. I had friends in New York, and It had been a while since we talked.

"I thought I told you to dress casually," a voice from behind me whispered; it was Sophie in sweatpants and a shirt. She was dressed differently tonight, her attire more relaxed than the formal clothing I was accustomed to. It was as if I was seeing her for the first time.

"About time," I muttered, unable to take my eyes off of her, "and this is as casual as I'm going," I said, pointing to my hoodie and leather jacket.

She sighs, "Lighten up. I'm not thrilled about this either." I know. She was supposed to go out with Kenji tonight, but I am her husband, not him.

"So, where do you propose we go?" I ask, leaning against the wall with a questioning look.

"It's a surprise. If you are to drag me out, it should be on my own accord, hm?" she grins, looking up at her big brown eyes, kind and hopeful, an uncommon look.

I nod, and I can't help but smile at the kind look on her face, "you first." I gestured to the limo.

She shook her head with a slight scoff, "It isn't far from here. We can walk, or are you too rich for that." she teased, scrunching her nose. My hand tensed for a moment; the title of 'rich' was something that I earned. A bit of walking was a piece of cake, and I should be the one asking her that since she's the one who grew up rich.

"Lead the way, darling," I say, standing up straight, lowering my head as I tower over her. Sophie wasn't necessarily short, but compared to me, she was.

She snorted, "Stop calling me that." playfully hitting me.

"Send me your proposal for Ricci Power later. This deal's really big."

"Please stop talking about work. I beg of you." she groaned, turning around and walking backward.

After around half an hour of walking, we were there. For the most part, the conversation consisted of me staring and her smiling. Great.

Pier 39. In all of my years in California, I had never been. Whether the reason was that it never held my interest or I was simply too busy, it was a tourist attraction and someplace that I rarely thought about. The weather was cold. The sun was setting, and the sky was filled with clouds looking close to rain.

She sighs, walking in, "I was supposed to take Ken, but you know." Her boyfriend.

"Fun." I say in a melancholy tone, "Are you hungry?"

Sophie shakes her head, "Nope, are you?" I shake my head as we walk down the pier. On both of our sides, we are surrounded by loud families and couples sucking each other's faces off, and that reminds me why I've never thought of visiting.

"People are staring," she whispers with a laugh, pointing at the people muttering and pointing at us. She was used to it, and I had grown accustomed to it as well. Of course, they were staring,

"Let them stare." and under my breath, I mutter slightly, "I would too." I felt her face shift at my words, but she ignored them. I followed her to the pier overlooking the ocean and multiple boats in front of the sun that was slowly starting to set.

She smiles, looking up into the sky, "It's beautiful, isn't it?" she glances over at me.

My eyes meet hers, stepping to her side, "It is." I pause for a moment, "are we just going to watch this for the rest of the night?" I grunt, leaning against the gate.

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