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Sophie's POV

First day. I informed the firm about my shift in schedule. As I expected, they were fine with it as long as I kept up with all my cases. Ares's company worth was at least three bigger than ours. Wang Energy was big, and it still sort of is, but after some of our power plants were destroyed in a freak storm and my father's poor decision-making skills, it was incomparable to his. Both our companies produced and supplied energy; Ares had his COO from Russo Corporation fill his spot in the meantime while he worked with my father to help Wang Energy. After all, he and my father had the same amount of shares, 40% each.

It was 9 in the morning, and Ares had left for work three hours ago. Both Bella and I were supposed to be there at 10 for a board meeting. Our house was a quick drive to the building, so after a few minutes, I was there. This place was my first job, and the people here were my friends, but still, I had doubts. With my father being CEO, working here would be a lot harder. Always favoring Bella, I just had to hope that when it came to our company legacy and his social image, he would care more.

I wore a plaid grey skirt reaching a few inches below my knees and a blue turtle neck, cute and classy. I had no time for makeup, and my hair was neatly slipped into a ponytail.

Ares and Father, along with the rest of the board members who were head of every department

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Ares and Father, along with the rest of the board members who were head of every department. I took my seat along with them, greeting them with a nod and smile. Most faces were familiar, some even people I had trained, and of course, Bella was late.

Ares's assistant stood next to him with a scared look; most of the members had the same one after all; they were in a room with Ares Russo and Winston Wang, "Let's start." Ares says, shifting his position.

"Bella isn't here yet."

"It's not my fault your daughter is incompetent." he blinked. The fierceness of his voice startled me as a slight agitating crawled up his throat as he took a pen. The second his sentence was finished, someone came in, and to my surprise, it was Bella. Her face was covered in makeup, and she wore a tight mini-dress with a fake smile.

"Hope I'm not too late." She strutted in. Looking at her, she clearly spent time getting ready, another fact showing she didn't give a shit about the company. 

"You're right on time."

The meeting was like any other; we went over different deals and who would be handling which ones, the project managers overseeing the installation of a new energy system we would be testing out. I had a deal to close, and I have to admit I miss being in the office like this. Everyone ignored Bella the entire meeting, and it was amusing to watch while they welcomed me back with open arms. 

After the meeting, my new assistant Danny led me to the new office. It was certainly an upgrade from the one that I had in the firm. Ever since, the company's revenue and profit have gone down exponentially. Every deal, no matter how big or small, was important. I was assigned a pretty big one, and the faster I got it done, the better.

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