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The last week since our wedding has been surprisingly quiet, with no drama

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The last week since our wedding has been surprisingly quiet, with no drama. We barely crossed paths. Between my job at the firm and his being the CEO and COO of Wang Energy and Russo Corporation, we barely had any time together, and the time we did have was cut short by his icy tone and inability to maintain a conversation.

Today, even though It was Saturday and technically my one of two days off, I still had work to do, going over a 200-page contract. Being a corporate lawyer was both fun and downright depressing. Still, right now, I had brighter things to look forward to, like seeing my sister since she ran off to who knows where the second she had to start contributing to the family because of our... financial problems. It was hard at first for me since we both grew up in luxury, but I adjusted to our new life she didn't. She failed in the real world and ran back the second our lives looked a little bit less dull.

Bella was my father's favorite growing up; she was the smarter one while I had the looks. I wouldn't say I was exceptionally pretty, like, for example, Valeria Xia, but I was definitely above average. After I worked my ass off for years, I was the lawyer, and she was the unemployed brat. But of course, she was still the apple of my father's eyes, and we would be having a dinner party welcoming her back... in my house or should I say Ares's house.

I sat going through the contract with a toast in my hand; Areswalked in, which was surprising. For the past week, our interactions have been at a low. He left for the office before I had a chance of ever seeing him. It was already 5 p.m., and he still hadn't left.

I'd learned to navigate Ares's frosty demeanor since we tied the knot a week ago. Today, however, he was on a whole new level of irritating. It felt like every word out of my mouth warranted a snarky comment or an eye roll. As I flipped through a contract, a glass slipped from my hand, crashing onto the floor. Ares, of course, couldn't resist a sarcastic jab, saying, "Graceful as always, Sophie."

I just shrugged, unfazed by his attitude. This was the life I'd signed up for in this arranged marriage. I knew Ares wasn't exactly thrilled about having me around, but his constant negativity wasn't my concern.

Sitting down, I decided to test the waters with some small talk. "So, Ares, how was your day?"

He shot me a look that clearly said he thought my question was absurd. "Why do you even care? You're not part of my business, Sophie."

I sighed inwardly, but I wasn't about to let his attitude ruin my evening. "Fair enough. Let's talk about something else, then. We could plan a little weekend getaway, just the two of us. It might be a nice change of pace." I offered, but it was merely a formality; we hadn't had a honeymoon, and if I were to live with this man, we had to get along.

He raised an eyebrow and chuckled sarcastically. "Why on earth would I want to spend a weekend with you? You may as well be my wife by circumstance but certainly not by choice." his words hesitant at the last sentance.

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