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i'm actually so so so so sorry for not being able to post in these past few months I know I said that I come back in March. I just been in such a big writing slump and I've been in a bad I don't know how to call it but like I don't know I've just been out of my mind focused on so many things and right now I am traveling with my family and I will be for the next month or two so I am again I'm so so so so sorry for not being able to post. I've tried to write, but it's just, it doesn't come out as naturally as it used to. I still love this with all my heart, but I just need to take a quick break and I get it if you guys wanna stop reading or like just forget about this not gonna lie that's what I would do but I will come back. It's just it may take me a while.

love u all

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