Chapter - 1

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Jungkook's pov

February 2023

The heavy snowfall signaled winter had reached its peak in New York. It covered every inch, so no matter where in the city you were, the snow was all you could see. While its beauty was unmatched, I could see why some preferred to stay indoors.

Especially when the breeze picked up, dropping the temperature to below freezing. Even at its vastness, it looked as soft as feathers, and people would begin to fear for when it would melt. The roads would turn slithery, making travel extremely unsafe even for pedestrians, making families choose to stay inside. Though if someone got caught without any ride to hitch in the snowstorm miles away from home. Well, it would be terrible.

Much to my dismay, the very situation happened with us. I found myself biting down the cold with my friends at midnight. The only shelter we could take refuge from this fatal downfall was a small bus stop platform where we had been waiting. The space was tight but allowed us to huddle together for warmth.

I doubt if we could find any roadside assistance at such a stranded place. I found it very weird as neither any cab was available near to our location.

I wrapped my coat closer to my body as a chill swept through me, causing me to glare once again in the direction of my friend Yoongi, who admittedly was mostly to blame for our current circumstances. If only he had the forethought to fill the fuel tank before we drove an hour away from Manhattan. But we were at fault too. If we were not so desperate for a break that we ignored to check the weather before leaving, then this might not have happened. Yoongi scored the tickets for the new upcoming band Firelight. It was their first-ever live show since they became famous for their online videos.

The concert had held in a stadium somewhere on the east side of Brooklyn city. Everyone was enamored with their music, and damn, they all were so good. After the show ended, it was already 11 p.m., but we thought to stay back for some more to chill. That's when my mom called me to leave from there soon as it said that there's going to be a snowstorm around midnight. We left right away but could not get far, thanks to Yoongi and his empty fuel tank. We were stranded in a remote area with no soul in sight.

It did remind me of a spooky horror movie set. It was a shopping street which had been shut down now. It was eerily quiet as closed signs boards dangled at the doors of the stores across the street, and silence bounced off every surface. The only sound I could hear was the sound of our breaths fogging with every exhale and the echo of wind gushing. We had been waiting for what felt like hours when in reality, only an hour had passed since we left the car in middle of street and on our way to bus stop. We had walked for miles in the hopes we could find someone to help us or any taxi driving by. At first, it was snowing lightly. Then, when we reached near the bus stop, the wind changed its course, and we had to shield ourselves under the bus stop roof from the heave snowstorm. Due to the deadly and sharp wind, we couldn't run back to our car and thought of waiting until the storm cools down. Now it seemed we needed another plan because I was starting to lose circulation in my legs. With the time, roads and sidewalks got disappeared behind the thick blanket of white powder.

Movement caught my eye as Yoongi began to ruffle his hair to free it from the snow.

"Wow!" Yoongi exclaimed, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "Even the Gods decided to show how much they loved the show."

He snarled with annoyance. His hands moved faster across his hair as he glared at the snow in front of him. I watched the back and forth motion in silent envy that not even the weather could affect the silky strands. Honestly, his hair would be the only best thing about him at this moment because if you looked up the definition of stupidity, his picture would depict underneath it.

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