Chapter - 4

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"What the hell are you saying?" I yelled.

"I knew you wouldn't believe me. Just come here and see for yourself," Jason said and cut the call.

I threw the phone on the wall, shattering the scene in a thousand pieces.

But it can't be possible. We made sure of that. Boss would kill me if he came to know about it. Damn it, where did we go wrong?

Luckily I was in the neighborhood. I quickly drove to that place and parked the car outside. Everything and everyone was in a rush inside. Stretchers got dragged from one corner to another, men in coats hurriedly pacing from one place to another with few people following behind them. I went to the receptionist asked the man sitting behind the desk, "Excuse me, where is Operation Theater?"

"Sir, it's on the first floor, at the end of the corridor," he said, pointing towards the staircase at our right. I nodded and moved towards it.

Everything was so confusing. I was sure in that incident no one came out alive. I made sure of it.

But then why did Jason said he saw someone who looks just like Kang? I was going to lose all my senses.

He even said that he's the one who is operating on Dale.

I quickly went to the operation theater to check if what he was saying correct or not. Jason stood outside the room, waiting for me. Once he saw me, he rushed to my side.

"Right now, the operation is going. Wait till it is over, then you'll see,"

I did as he said and waited for the girl to come out. Once the red light went off and the door to the room opened, I stood up and looked at him as he walked out. He felt her gaze on me and glanced up at me. I stared at him very attentively, trying to see what made Jason believe it was Kang. Yes from a distance, he seemed to look like Kang. 

The thing that planted a seed of doubt in my mind - countering Jason's assumption - was the fact that his whole demeanor was different. He looked soft in comparison to Kang, who had a completely different aura of a rebel. But just as I looked into his eyes, my eyes widened in shock.

I could not be confused. I could never forget those eyes that looked at me with so much resentment that day. The only difference now was, it now held confusion and curiosity in them.

I composed myself quickly before he could detect something. It can't be Kang, because this guy looked young as if he was in 20's. Which could only mean he's.......If he's who I am thinking he is, then I couldn't risk myself getting exposed. I needed a plan first. He turned towards me like he was coming to me just then a nurse came up to him. I found this chance to escape from there and dragged away Jason with me. After going outside, I called the boss to inform him about this.

"You idiots. How could you make such a mistake?" he shouted. I gulped in fear after hearing some crashing sound in the background.

"Sir, we are still not 100 % sure if it's him," I said to cool off his anger a little.

"Didn't you check the bodies after he incident?" he asked. I relaxed as his tone got a little lighter.

"No, sir, before we can. A couple came and saw the incident. They had called the police" I told him honestly.

If honest we couldn't confirm ourselves if the people involved in that accident were all dead or not. But after when we checked the incident report, it was clearly mentioned all were found dead.

"Then make sure of it," he instructed us. "If it is him, then I want him dead, and this time no mistakes," he gave us last warning.

I nodded and ended the call. I went inside again to inquire about the boy, but they told, he left a few minutes ago. I cursed inwardly and asked about his address. They refused to share the full address and just told me the area where he lived in.

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