Chapter - 14

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This entire situation had shifted into a dark obscure - labyrinth - to which I was unable to sense any end or either couldn't discover any exit to it. If we found a new turn, then another cut with more unsolved facts awaited us.

I gazed at the screen each time Taehyung played the recording in a loop, trying hard to find some clue. A thought flew in my brain and I decided to write down everything, and whatever questions were running at the forefront of my thoughts. At that point, certainly I would be able to connect some dots. I looked to my right where Yoongi and Hoseok were working and saw a whiteboard behind them. I went straight inside the room. I picked up the marker from the table.

Yoongi and Hoseok looked at me confusingly as I stood in front of the board and started jotting down whatever was coming to my mind. From the beginning to the end, everything that was unusual or upsetting, I listed down all the things.

1. Like who was this man who seemed to have positive intentions against us but was not ready to come up to the surface.

2. What would be his purpose behind all this?

3. Then next, why is Roberto only behind Junhee? Wasn't it Junghyun who shot him, so why are they targeting Junhee only?

4. And that day, in the warehouse. Why did Rachael look so scared of Lorenzo? Was she being forced? And why did she lie to him about me?

5. And was Tyler alone? Or was there another mole among us who was giving him a hand from inside? Could it have been possible for him to execute his plan under everyone's eyes without being noticed or anyone's help? In a place, where everyone is under surveillance for 24x7.

6. And last, why did that man get me involved in this? Did he know me?

From the start, I was used as a puppet by that man, without my consent. Furthermore, still, I had a feeling that I was dancing on his moves and so ever had no influence over my actions. I thought every one of my choices and decisions till now I made at my own will, yet I had begun to question that. Had he been impacting my life even before that night? Was it accurate to say that he was as yet doing it without being caught?

"Man, you have a lot going on inside your mind," Hoseok's voice rang in my ear, bringing me back from my reverie. I looked over my shoulder. He was reading out the points I noted down.

Yoongi gave me a sympathetic look, and I waved him off. Whether or not that guy gave direction to my actions, but in the end, it was still me who carried through his intentions. Maybe unknowingly but willingly, so I was ready to face the consequences of my choices.

"But I am confused, how can so many thoughts fit in the little head of yours," Hoseok teased,

I glared at him and was about to give him a remark, but Taehyung called me out.

"Jungkook, come here. Fast," Taehyung said from outside,

I looked back at Hoseok, "I am going to give you an answer to that later," I told him and turned to leave, but Yoongi's words stopped me in my tracks.

"Hoseok, didn't I tell you. Jungkook is bad at throwing remarks," Yoongi told Hoseok, poking fun at me, "You just proved it, Jungkook," Yoongi said and smirked at me.

"You.." I was about to show him who is awful at what, but again Taehyung cut me off, this time more urgently.

"Jungkook, hurry up," Taehyung sounded impatient,

I huffed and went out. They both followed me. Once reaching there, I found Taehyung looking a little bit relaxed, and Junghyun too wore a similar expression. The recording playing on the screen in front of me paused at a scene. The time, when the guy got off the car.

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