Bonus 1 [M]

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Notes : Because this book was too deprived of Taekook here it is. I hope this satisfies you. XD. You know the drill the mature scenes will be having sex at the start and then at the end, so those who are not comfortable can skip that part....

It's a long one because I think It was long overdue

Also do check out my other works too. I have two completed top tae and two completed top kook books. Whatever interests you

Jungkook's feet pounded rhythmically against the pavement, the sound echoing through the empty park as he jogged. Each exhale released a puff of fog into the crisp morning air. The sky was just beginning to lighten, the early dawn painting the horizon with soft hues of pink and orange. The only sounds accompanying him were the occasional chirps of birds greeting the day.

After an hour of jogging, his breaths now deeper and more controlled, Jungkook decided to head back home. He slowed to a walk, pulling the towel from around his neck to wipe the sweat from his brow and neck. A few neighbors greeted him with nods and smiles as he approached his apartment building.

"Morning, Jungkook!" Mrs. Lee called out, her small dog yapping at her feet.

"Good morning!" he replied with a polite smile before heading inside.

He entered the building and stepped into the lift, pressing the button for his floor. As the lift ascended, he pulled out his phone and quickly skimmed through a few emails from the hospital. Nothing urgent, just routine updates.

The lift dinged softly, and the doors slid open. Jungkook stepped out and walked down the hall to his apartment. He unlocked the door and stepped into the darkness, a familiar but comforting stillness greeting him. With a flick of the switch, the lights illuminated the room.

He headed straight for the kitchen, feeling parched after his run. Opening the fridge, he reached for a water bottle, but something unusual caught his eye. He frowned, closing the fridge door slowly, his eyes scanning the room with a skeptical gaze.

He took a long sip from the bottle, then set it aside as his eyes landed on his laptop, left open on top of the couch. He walked over, leaning down to shut it. As he did, his hand instinctively reached underneath the couch. His fingers brushed against cold metal.

With a steady hand, he pulled out his gun, checking the safety and ensuring it was loaded. His senses heightened, he moved silently through the apartment, his ears straining for any sound out of place.

His living room appeared untouched, the kitchen quiet and still. He moved towards his bedroom, gun at the ready. The door creaked slightly as he pushed it open, revealing nothing but an undisturbed bed.

"Must be imagining things," he muttered to himself, though he didn't fully believe it.

Just then, a faint creak came from the hallway. Jungkook's heart raced as he turned sharply, gun raised. He moved towards the sound, every muscle tensed and ready. As he approached the hallway closet, he could see the door was slightly ajar. Taking a deep breath, he yanked it open. Inside, only coats and shoes greeted him. He exhaled slowly, tension easing slightly.

Suddenly, he felt a strong pull from behind, hands gripping his waist and spinning him around. Panicked, he raised his gun to strike the intruder, but the person was one step ahead, locking his hands and pushing Jungkook against the closet. Jungkook's breath caught in his throat as he stared in shock at the familiar face in front of him.

"Taehyung?" he exclaimed, wide-eyed.

Taehyung smirked, leaning down with one hand holding Jungkook's wrists above his head and the other resting on his waist. "Hello there," he said smoothly.

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