Chapter - 10

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After Taehyung told us to pack our things, Junghyun forcefully took me to my home, saying that I would need more than three sets of clothes, as they are not sure how long we would have to stay underground. I instantly started regretting saying yes to them, when Junghyun vacated half of my cupboard, after filling two suitcases with clothes and clothes only. Mom was at first reluctant to let me go there, but after Junghyun assured her that he would keep me safe, she gave in.

Thankfully, the scars I got - after that attack on me, two days ago - were all gone. Otherwise, if Mom had seen all those bandages, then she would not have even let me a foot out of the house.

There was one thing which I couldn't understand when mom saw Junghyun. She looked shocked. Like she was not expecting him to see, but Junghyun looked neutral. I even asked her about it, but she said I was thinking too much. She was just shocked because he looked too good.

We then left. Max and Tom had left before us, with Junhee, as Max said, he needed to make arrangements for her there. According to what Junghyun told me, they have a basement here just like a one in Max's house, where Junhee will have further treatment. I felt quite unsettled, leaving my parents alone, worried about their safety- what if someone comes for looking for me and harms them. Junghyun assured me by telling me that he had assigned a few of his men as bodyguards for my parents, and they would do their work secretly.

Tom didn't come with us as he had to go back to his grandparent's house as they fall ill and Max needed at headquarters, and one had to go. So Tom went to take care of his grandparents.

On the way, I thought of asking Junghyun about Taehyung's parents, and so I did.

"Junghyun, what happened to Taehyung's parents," I asked him out of nowhere that made him press on the brake abruptly.

"Why are you asking this suddenly?" he asked me back and started driving again.

"I didn't want to but I was there when you both were talking that day. I heard Taehyung saying that his parents were also killed by Roberto," I told him, which made him sigh.

"I never touch this topic because it pains me to do so. I always blame myself for Taehyung's parent's death. They didn't deserve such cruel death," Junghyun said, and there was a lot of guilt and pain in his voice,

"What exactly happened?" I asked him again,

"Remember, I told you that everyone thought we were in the car with mom and dad. Well, that was a lie," Junghyun said and looked at me, "Actually, mom and dad left us with Taehyung's parents that day, and when they heard the news about their accident and that there was no chip. Taehyung's parents knew they would be the next target,"

With each second, his voice turned more grief, "Although they also didn't have any idea about the chip. They knew Roberto wouldn't wait for an explanation. So they left us to Max," I rubbed his hands as they clutched onto the steering wheel tightly, he relaxed his grip, "Someone told Roberto that they were with kids in their house, so he fired up the whole house. They have burnt them alive,"

I sobbed after hearing him and covered my mouth. That was way too cruel, and they were protecting their friend's kids.

"Taehyung never said anything to me, never blamed anyone, but I know it pains him a lot," Junghyun said, and I stayed quiet.

I had nothing to say to him. I couldn't understand how someone could be so harsh. I couldn't believe how much grief Taehyung had stored inside him.

It was all too surreal, from the day I found Junhee, everything had been happening so fast that I didn't even have time to think that if all this was real or just a dream. Because time on time, only unexpected things were happening with me. It had not been so long, but still, somehow, I forgot how my daily life used to be before this.

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