Chapter - 19

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Every time I performed a surgery behind the O.T doors for hours, I only thought about giving my best in saving that one life. Then after the operation, I would come out and feel satisfied by seeing the relaxed faces of the family members. That was the end for me. I never tried to know how those people felt while waiting for any news; how fast or slow time passed. But now, when I stood on the other end, peeping over the red light above the operation theater in every few minutes; every time stood up in anticipation whenever the door would open and then get disappointed when it was the only nurse; when every second felt like an hour, I understood how gut-wrenching it was to sit outside and keep waiting because that's all you could do.

For a moment, I had almost given up and was about to burst inside through the door to find out what's taking them so long, but then stopped myself. Everyone else in the corridor mirrored my state. Junhee sat in front of me in a wheelchair, grimly; Namjoon stood behind her, holding the wheelchair; Jimin stood by the corner, watching us sympathetically. Yoongi and Hoseok were with Junghyun.

I vaguely remembered the events after that phone call - Hoseok found me slumped on the floor, staring blankly at my phone. He was shouting and trying to say something, but I couldn't hear him. The only sound that kept ringing in my ears was the crashing sound I heard before the line went dead. A few minutes later, I got a call, and Hoseok picked it up for me. Whoever it was, whatever they said, it made Hoseok gasp as his eyes widened. After that, Hoseok pulled me up and somehow took me to his car and made me sit inside. Half an hour later, when we reached the hospital, I took in my surroundings, and that's when I came to my senses. By the time Hoseok parked the car; I was already out of it and ran inside to the reception, asking for Junghyun and Taehyung.

The receptionist told me that one person had only minor injuries, but the other one took most of the impact and was going through surgery. They were in involved in a card accident. The accident took place on the highway. Luckily someone was passing by and saved them by bringing them to the hospital. After that, Hoseok called Namjoon and informed her about it, and soon everyone came here. I don't know how Junhee convinced others to bring her along; even Jimin and Yoongi came with them.

Everyone was relieved to know that Junghyun got only a few scratches and but then was crumpled when they told that Taehyung's condition was severe. Only I knew how much strength it took out of me to drag myself to the operation theater, to not think about our last moments. Hundreds of thorns stabbed my heart, each time when I thought that maybe I should not have ignored him - that I should have stopped him from going - then he wouldn't have left with Junghyun and wouldn't be fighting a battle with life.

The red light goes off as the doctor walked out of the operation theater, handing over his coat to the nurse. I rushed to my feet and stood in front of him. Namjoon dragged the wheelchair near us. Junhee, as impatient as me, asked Namjoon to draw closer.

"Don't worry. The patient is out of danger," The doctor said with a smile,

"There' nothing serious, right?" I asked,

"Ya, he's fine now. He will be sleeping for a few hours due to sedatives, but you can go to see after he's shifted from here,"

I slumped down on the nearby stool and rested my head on knees, feeling overwhelmed. Junhee smiled through her tears, looking at me with relief. I looked away from her, still feeling guilty about the incident from the evening.

Hoseok came up to us, looking worried. "How is he?"

"He is fine," I told him.

He beamed at us."Junghyunalso woke up,"

"Then let's first meet him," Junhee said and asked Namjoon to take her there. "Jungkook, come on. Let's go,"

"You guys, go. I need to finish some formalities," I told them and gestured Jimin to follow me.

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