Chapter - 20

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I laid out all the photographs in front of me, on the bed, and picked up a photo one by one. I made my theories about behind the scenes - Who would have taken it? What exactly, I must be doing that time? - and adding it to my half recovered memories. I picked up one photograph and admired it - for what would be the twentieth time. Undoubtedly it was my favorite picture till now. Mom and dad - it still felt so surreal to call them that - were sitting in the garden with Taehyung's Dad and enjoying seeing their children play together. Taehyung and I were standing in front of each other, ready in fighting position, and Junghyun and Junhee were sitting on the ground, clapping their hands in excitement.

There was no need to make assumptions for this pic, as it was clear how happy everyone was and how much I loved my sibling - to the extent where I would do anything that will make them even more cheerful - and Taehyung too adored them a lot.

I got off the bed to search around the room for any more clues or memories, rummaging through the drawers and cupboard. I knew it was not right to check Max's room without his permission, but then I couldn't wait for them to come and explain everything to me, for that I had already called someone. Also, if they knew about what I was going to do next, then they would lock me in a room so I won't be able to do it. And I won't let that happen. I now knew what was going and why and who was doing it. And nobody else but me could stop it.

I found a confidential file, kept under the pile of clothes, and took it out. Going back to the bed, I sat down and tore the top of the envelope to find a stack of papers inside. I was shocked after reading the contents. It was clear that my current mom and dad were not my biological parents, still, why would they adopt me? When Max could have raised Junghyun, Junhee, and Taehyung then, why he couldn't keep me with him too.

The doorbell ringed, breaking my chain of thoughts, putting an end to awaited arrival. I got up from the bed and looked around the cupboard for something. After founding it in the locker, I tucked it behind my back. I took a deep breath and went downstairs to greet my guests. I opened the door as mom and dad strode inside.

"Jungkook, why did you called us here in so hurry? And why did you need that locket?" Mom rushed out the words in one ago, her forehead creased with lines of worry. It didn't matter if they were not my biological parents, because all these years they loved me like I was their child. They were still my parents.

I hugged both of them tightly and mumbled softly between my tears. "I have got my memories back,"

Their shoulders stiffened, and they broke the hug. Mom looked at me with caution and asked, "You do?"

I nodded and looked at my feet. I couldn't meet their eye that reflected pain and hurt. Dad sighed and hugged me sideways. "I knew this day would come, but don't forget you are still our son,"

I giggled and pecked his cheeks. "Of course dad, I will always be your son,"

I guided them to the living room and made them sit before giving them some water to drink. I looked at my watch. I still had half an hour with me. It should be enough. I sat in between them and laid my head on dad's shoulder. I cuddled close to them, suddenly craving for their love and trying to imagine my parents in place of then. If they were still alive, then they also would have loved me like Suzy mom and George Dad - might be even more.

"What you want to know, Jungkook? Tell us," Mom caressed my head and asked,

I looked at her with tearful eyes. "Do they know that I am their brother?"

She nodded sadly. "They had known it all along, that was why I shocked to see Junghyun when he came that day at our house,"

Now I understood why she looked so surprised after Junghyun.

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