Chapter - 16

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Taehyung had a scheme- I knew he had. The moment he said we need a plan, his face lit like a bulb, and I waited for him to tell us what he had in his mind, but he didn't utter a word. And not even after two days. Just after his not so welcomed silence, Taehyung took me to the training room and sworn himself that no matter, whatever happens, I had to kill Jungkook with torture.

On first day of our training, the day when we came to headquarters, Taehyung told me that it would take me at least a week for me to get onto the next level. But here I was, after two days of warm-up, struggling to get out of Taehyung's hold during another session of self-defense. For two days, in the morning, he would teach me self-defense, and in the evening, we both would have a one-to-one round on the boxing ring.

Before starting any session, he would teach me basics for an hour, and then we would have a practice. During the rest of the day, Junhee, Jimin, Namjoon, and I spend the whole day in chit-chatting. By the end of the day, I would have a sore back and aching arms. And when I demanded an answer for his actions, his response would be.

"You are not yet ready,"

All this time, I had been controlling myself from bursting out, because I could feel everyone had been keeping me in the dark and except me, everybody knew what was going inside Taehyung's mind. I had bottled up all my frustration inside me and took it out on him when we were face to face, behind the doors of the training room. But now, I had reached the end of my patience.

Taehyung tackled me on the ground and held me in a headlock. I clasped my fingers around his arm, trying to remove it from around my neck, but he put all his power through his muscles, and I couldn't move it even by an inch. I looked up at Junghyun, who was standing in the corner and watching us silently like he had been doing during every session. He gave me a hint every time I got stuck or couldn't find a way to counter-attack, either through eyes or hand gestures. But from last few minutes I had looked at least three times at him, and he only bobbed his head at me, as if encouraging me to keep going.

I sighed in resignation and tried to think of a way to find a loophole. My neck throbbed with pain, and without thinking, I smacked Taehyung on his chin through the back of my head, making him loosen his hold on me. I used this chance to twist his arm and turned around before straddling his back so he couldn't get up.

"Caught you," I smirked and whispered in his ears.

Junghyun clapped his hand and walked up to us, looking at me impressively.

"Finally, you are ready," he exclaimed,

I looked at him in perplexity, unable to get the meaning behind his words, "Ready for what?"

"I can only tell you that if I stay alive. But seeing how heavy you are, I am starting to have doubts," Taehyung said as he turned his head a little to look at me sideways. I then realized that I was still straddling him and quickly got off him. My cheeked get hot from embarrassment and shyness, but when his words sunk in, I gawked at him in complete annoyance.

"Shut up," I reprimanded him. "You are the one who is fat, not me," Taehyung got up and dusted down his clothes. "I never said you are fat. You are the one saying it. So don't blame me," he said impishly.

I gritted my teeth and moved forward to hit him, but Junghyun held me back. "Okay, that will be enough for today. You guys can continue this after we successfully execute the plan."

I turned to him and asked mockingly. "So, there is a plan?"Junghyun raised his hand above his head in surrender. "Not me. Taehyung told us to not say anything to you until you are ready,"

I turned back to Taehyung, who had a slightly guilty look on his face. "But why? And what should I be ready for?" I asked him.

He sat on the mat and pats the space next to him. I stood in my place with my hands on my hips, waiting for him to answer.

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