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Lamaya POV

"Was everything a lie zyairie,?" I shout

"Lamaya I'm sorry,"


"Zyairie did you actually do it,?"

My boyfriend stands in front me with low eyes looking at me with regret

After what felt like forever he doesn't answer

I scoff

"Okay," I mutter taking up my phone walking pass him to exit the room

Going downstairs I took up my car key

Zyairie follows behind me

"Mami listen to me," he says moving in front the door

"You're angry and not thinking straight don't drive,"

I try my best to not cry

"Move," I say with trembling hands he doesn't even budge

"Please," i add he doesn't move


I just can't be around him right now not after what he's done

I need to get away from him

Zyairie POV

Does she hate me that much to wanting to leave in the middle of the night?

"ZYAIRIE MOVE NUH!," she shouts banging on my chest I don't move

She starts crying

The sound of rain can be heard

It's raining now

After a while she sighs wiping her face


It's literally raining and it's way passed midnight ain't no way I'm letting her out this house

But she's set on leaving

I make a side step as she holds the door handle opening it I watch her silently

The rain is pouring down hard

She turns around just when I thought she was going to retreat somewhere in the house she stoops to take up a umbrella

But stops

She shakes her head and steps out in the rain

I don't stop her she opens her car door getting in

Using my phone I pressed access denied for her to leave

She tries it on her phone but it wouldn't work standing at the door I watch her beat the steering wheel outta frustration making the horn honk

I can see that she's crying it breaks my heart but what can I do?

She places her head on the steering wheel

Most likely crying real hard

She needs space and I'm giving it to her

Closing the door I retreat to the kitchen

Pouring myself hard liquor I added ice exiting the kitchen to the staircase

At the top of the stairs I sighed

Going into my office I went to the window looking down on her car that is still running

I can see her figure blurred

Turning the cup up my head I drank everything out the cup

Throwing it straight into the wall it shatters glass flying everywhere

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