This gotta be a joke guys So I was going through my comments when I came across this particular comment regarding me stealing another persons work
And I quote
"Copying the main character name"
So @shennellystar23 says that I'm plagiarizing @creativeamelia's work because my main character name is similar to hers
Zyairie I'm not sure how she pronounces her characters name or how it's spelt so I wouldn't know right now
But it's absolutely absurd that this person thinks that due to me giving another author props it's suddenly me stealing their work!?
Like that's just ridiculous given that I've mentioned not one but three books since I've been writing
And I've always told y'all to read them
Yes in the time of me writing this book I was reading creativeamelia's book but the idea did not come from her! Given that this book is based on me!
And my relationship like what is going on in peoples head these days; I was writing it based off me then I completely did a flip! Hence the story is now just a figment of my imagination
I made it clear in my bio that the first ten chapters of each book was written due to boredom so clearly if I was copying it wouldn't have had so many mistakes
Especially that it was moving fast asf! From the meeting to her getting drunk and them going out after she just met him everything!
Now that that's clear please people mah ask unuh
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I think I'll give this writing thing a break cause it's coming with a lot of challenges that I'm not ready for especially being accused of stealing another's work!
I'm just a kid with a wild imagination that just finds writing an escape from the real world I know my book has improved over time and I'm trying my best
But comments like these really do hurt and I just think it's best I don't continue the book
I'm sorry in regards to everything and if you think that I'm stealing another's work then I apologize
At the end of the day I guess you guys have opinions that matter
I'm literally crying writing this because imagine how hard I spent to write these chapters daily and think outside the box
And here it is that people out here calling me a thief
I'm sixteen bro I have feelings and comments do get to me
I think ima take a break might be temporary but to how everything is going I might unpublished all books and just delete my account
Hope everybody has a great Christmas and Happy New Year whenever it comes ❤️