Lamaya POV
***********************************************************I take up baby danari who's clingy onto me holding my shirt. His little body snuggles deeper into my arms
I hand him back to tish as he starts crying. I lift up Zaharia who's fussing
"What's wrong mama,?" I ask grabbing her chubby cheeks she whines rubbing her eyes. Bringing her out the room to her room
I placed her in the crib
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. It's crazy to say they both have different rooms. It was zyairie's idea and it works
Zahirie is a non sleepy who likes to make a whole lot of noise and Zaharia loves to sleep and hates noise
So the two couldn't be in the same room
He's already pulling her hair and making her little infant life miserable
Big brother tings
Zahirie was born two minutes before his sister who arrived after
Tomorrow they'll officially be 5 months
They're getting so big and it's killing me slightly the newborn smell and all that is just leaving
It's hard to accept change and growth
Even the scrunch they don't really do it anymore
Putting aria to sleep I went to get zah but he was sitting watching tv I went to the kitchen to make him a bottle
I hand it to him and he takes it drinking it on his own
Den watch mi big man
I take a picture sending it to zyairie
Oops! This image does not follow our content guidelines. To continue publishing, please remove it or upload a different image. Him gwaan like him more independent dan nobody essie
It's like 4 something over there I doubt zyairie is sleeping
Deciding to test the theory I posted on my status blocking everybody but him
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