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Zyairie POV

"Zahirie...Zaharia,!" I hear Lamaya call the twins footsteps moving around frantically around the house

I can hear the panic in her voice imagine how she a medz right now. She's seconds away from crying

I walk down the stairs to see her just in time opening the front door. She stop and stare at me

"Dem gud," I assure her as she closes the door moving towards me I watch her movements she's no longer worried but angry

She throws her purse at me it hits my hand my jaw ticks as I stare at her

Mi deserve dat

"Weh yuh did deh eh!?"

She steps forward coming closer to me. She stops exactly in front lifting her hand I anticipated her next move

Ano box she ago bo-

She wraps her hands around me before crying I hug her as she breaks down

A stinging sensation runs through my side as Lamaya sinks her teeth in my skin

"Ahhh," she pulls away rolling her eyes at me she wipes her face

"Where are the twins,?" She asks as I tell her at my mothers house

"Zyairie yuh cya just tek dem and nuh seh nutn to mi," she argues

Weh she mean

"A my ute dem tuh eno," I make note going to the kitchen as she follows behind me. Taking up a bottle of Hennessy I pour myself some going into the fridge for ice

I open the Wray and nephew bottle adding some also

"Zyairie it's 12 noon," she says coming to take the cup out my hand

"Bill nuh," I say pushing her hand away as she goes silent

"Y yuh so mawga,?" She asks looking at me up and down

Mi always been Mawga weh she a talk bout afta mi neva fat wen mi meet har. Matta a fact all my life I have been a stick

I don't say anything but sip my liquor looking at her

"Zy," she approaches me taking the cup out of my hand I let her as she places it in the fridge taking a bottle of water also

She opens it giving it to me I take it drinking it

She takes my hand bringing me to the table to sit before going back in the kitchen she starts taking out things to cook

I watch her cook


She places a plate in-front of me and a glass of juice. I start eating as she sits down watching me

After I'm finish she reaches for the plate I take it washing up the dishes after she's done eating.

Lamaya sits on my lap playing with my hair. She sighs

"Zyairie where have you been,?" She asks

"Baby mi sorry but mi did ave supmu fi deal wid and mi deven done but mi couldn't bare fi deh far from yuh and eh twin dem no longa"

"Mi kno Yave nuff questions but mi ave ansa fi everything and mi nah go lie to yuh eda," she nods

"So where have you been,?"



"Deal wid business,"

"Wah kinda business,?"

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