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Its only been five months since I've seen zyairie and I don't know how to feel I really do miss him and so does the twins
Taking the twins hand I stroll through the mall with two bodyguards who I didn't hired but was hired by zyairie
They're not noticeable because they're dressed normal and keeping a close but far distance from me
They're walking but slowing me down so I take them up putting them in the stroller pushing down along the stretch
"What do you guys want to do now huh,?" I asked knowing they can't really formulate a sentence
I go to the baby clothes store to get them some new clothes
Even though their accounts has money I still use my money from both my cosmetics stores to shop and maintain them
I also add money to their accounts monthly I don't know and I have access to all zyairie's account also even though he has many and he's a billionaire by default
Money cya too much right? I know he would prepare me spending his money and saving mines but I just can't
I rather sleep knowing that I'm spending my own money I don't know it's a trait zyairie tried to break out of me but I just can't!
Each time I buy something the body guards take the bags walking with them...to other it's just two man with bags but people that know me from my page and stuff
Know that it's my security
After a long day of shopping I bought myself just a robe and everything else is kids items nothing for me