"Last night I was so high almost jumped out of the window; and my love is all yours, it's all yours from a distance. I was thinking if you ever need me; come see me,"
Rod wave (come see me)
Lamaya POV *********************************************************** We're currently at the doctors appointment and I'm nervous today I'm going to learn their genders and honestly
It doesn't matter to me I'll love them both just the same
Zyairie wants two boys and I want two girls
(Imagine them both with her attitude 😭 sorry fi zy 😂)
The doctor places the gel on my stomach using the thing to rub it all over it shows on the screen I can see two figures very clearly
I'm currently 4 1/2 months 24 weeks
"Hmm let's see," she says
It's very clear about there genders do you want to know or will there be something else,?" She asks
"We don't want to know can just place it in a envelope my mother will be here any minute to collect it ," zyairie says
Oh he's doing a gender reveal?
She continues to show us the babies she prints the genders and the pictures of their faces handing the pictures of the babies I smile
I'm really carrying two lives inside of me
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(Forget the date on it guys you know! It says 2/12/23 in book time)
This moment feels so surreal I mean I've noticed the changes in myself but it's still evident that I'm actually growing mini humans inside my stomach
With the person I love
Circumstances I wish I had gotten married first like how I always had planned it but it's meant to happen this way I do not regret them just the timing
Maybe God knew I needed them more than ever so he gave me them. I guess they were created to show me that God hasn't given up on me
He knows exactly what he's doing and that's that I'm loved still and cared for even when the world comes crashing down
She wipes the gel off my stomach as zyairie fixes my shirt; he's such a gentleman with his help I've fallen back in love with myself
It's exactly how it was before minus how I was acting and my toxic traits it all feels exactly as it should've before
Great and I love that for myself; I'm at my happiest going to my therapy sessions and being treated right by zyairie
I've learnt to control my overthinking therefore I don't overreact anymore as I did before. I'm practicing being gently in love