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Zyairie POV

Haunted by the nightmares that follows me every night as I close my eyes I see myself trapped in a bottle somewhere

It's a very strange feeling whenever I wake up and see her beside me but she's never actually there.


I miss her i don't know why but since that day I saw her the imagine of how broken she looked placed over and over again in my head; why does it hurt me so much

Overtime I see blurry images with her and me together. I see us planning a future together and laughing happily

What's all that for?

"Babe are you listening,?" A voice says making me look up from my phone

"No," I say honestly

"Baaabe," she whines scowling at me before moving to the door

"We have to go," she says as I nod getting up I have no idea where we're going to but I follow her every move

As if I'm a puppet of hers

I've been driving around the same community trying to glimpse her once more but Catherine is always with me

"Ummm I'm going on a errand so I'm taking a different car you can take this one remember you have to pick up the wedding rings," she says I nod

She gets in the car after kissing me I wave to her as she drives to work

Getting in the car I had only one thought on my mind to see her, I hope I do something just has me intrigued

And why do I feel like I have a family?

Entering the community I started searching for her after about twenty minutes I sighed giving up where is she?

Lamaya POV

I'm so tormented in the house by myself my friends had been here for two days they left yesterday morning and I've been inside since then

Something inside of me keeps telling me to go on a walk but I'm too tired for that but I get up anyways putting on my robe I stand at the door looking out

I have my bonnet and I don't feel like doing too much I'm exhausted right now so anyhow mi neighbor dem see mi a just so it go

Need somebody grip mi back and twist it no mon whenever mi pop out dem baby yah mi need a massage throughly

I start walking with my AirPods in playing big buddy by Jada kingdom

Big buddy what's up?
I got supmu dat you can fuk
Dash bay cash badman nuffi bruck!
Crush sum weed den light and puff
Guess who a cum fuss?
Pumpum wax nah carry no bush

Just then a black bmw steps at my foot me being very careful I look as they roll down the window

The face that I saw made me stop walking and just stare at him; we're both just looking at each other as if it's a trance

Nobody is saying anything but staring I look away after a minute: this is the same guy who broke my heart

Told me I should our children up for adoption!
And left me for some woman who is only using him for money

I start walking again trying to ignore that he's following me

Weh wrong wid him?

I hear the car park and footsteps

"Wait," the voice says I don't stop until they grab my hand i flash it off turning to face them pissed off

"A wah!?" I shout

"I'm sorry yuh just look familiar and I-"

I hide my teeth oh so all of a sudden him nuh memba mi but mi look familiar afta everything!so unsettling

Him a be for real right now? Or him just waah be plain stupid?

"What,?" I ask

"It's Lamaya right,?" He asks genuinely curious

Is this really happening right now? Or is this all some sick joke he finds this funny treating people like this!?

I stare at his confused face

He looks genuinely lost and his eyes are super dull and robotic; he looks like zyairie but he's not exactly him

Something isn't right

What happened to him

"I'm Lamaya you're ex girlfriend also the mother of your unborn twins we were together for three years until-" I stop as he tilts his head looking at my stomach

"You're having my baby,?" He asks I nod

"Two of them," I say as he bites his lip looking at my stomach

"How many months are you,?"


"Why did we break up,?" He asks

I don't know either so like

Mi ask eh gee wah cause all a dis?
He told you?
Him nuh know needa

"I don't know," I say to him as he reaches for my stomach but stops

"Can I,?"

I'm very skeptical especially giving that he looks as if he's in another world far from here maybe I shouldn't but he's their father

"No," I say as he nods

"I'm sorry I gotta go," he says getting in his car driving off I watch the car disappear into the sunset


That was strange but comforting I guess I continue my walk looking around each time before continuing my walk home

Making sure I'm not being followed I went inside my house closing the door I sigh going to shower

After I'm done I made myself something to eat sitting on my couch my phone rang


"Hey it's Pamela zyairie's mother"

"Hey miss Pam how are you,?"

"Been better my child," she sighed

"I feel so bothered by zyairie I don't understand why you guys broke up and why he's living with that cat woman,"

I don't either so I guess we all in the same page cause obviously nobody likes this weird woman who claims she love him

"I don't either,"

"Something in my spirit is tell me to bring him to church Sunday,"

That's a good idea yeah but how she gon do that?

It's obvious he's under something a spell or something because zyairie isn't himself anymore

"So this is what's going to happen I was thinking-

Also I won't update for a while due to I have work experience so ima be mad busy but the second I have time I'll try to update

Until then enjoy rereading the chapters or maybe read my other books 😊

Muah 💋 no update 😂

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