Good Vibrations (N)

847 10 1

TW: Smut. Enjoy.

The sheets on the bed were scrunched and disarranged, most significantly disheveled around the two, who lay together in the center, distanced from the headboard, their bodies nude but snug. Duncan used his hands and legs to push himself further down the mattress, the sound of the crisp covers crumbling filling the pair's ears, along with the panting and discordant breathing, their chests heaving. As if they shared the same mentality, the two instantly became in sync with their moments, Lewis' hands gripping Duncan's hips - that were now in line with his eyes - whilst Duncan mirrored the moments on Lewis'. Both of their touches were rough and eager, their palms clammy and warm against each other's skin, a result of a long dawn out intimate session.

Lewis whimpered as Duncan ran his tongue along Lewis' hard cock, the touch so anticipated and pleasant, Duncan's muscle humid and coarse against his skin, sparking unbearable burning inside him. Lewis was raw with his actions, seizing Duncan's arse with splayed out hands as he lapped greedily at Duncan's member, starting with the tip and spiralling his tongue around it. In response, Duncan let his fingernails scrape across Lewis' skin as his hands moved to his behind, his fingers delving into the dividing space where they teased Lewis' opening. As pleasure began to engulf him, Lewis pulled his head away from Duncan temperamentally, taking in deep, sharp breaths before plunging back into the action, spreading Duncan's cheeks and kneading them harshly.

The taste of Duncan's precum was mouth-watering for Lewis, tuning him to seek out more, urging him to continue to coax Duncan's shaft and cusp in his own saliva, his nails marking Duncan's arse as he pulled him in closer. Duncan had no time to revel at the sensation, increasing the pace of his teasing, stepping up and running the points of his incisors across the pumping veins on Lewis' member. As Duncan forced Lewis' hips into him, the unmistakable sound of his hand slapping against Lewis' arse cheek ringing through the room as he jutted his own hips forward. The two continued to work together, initiating the next stage, halting the teasing and refilling their lungs before taking the other's length in their mouth.

Duncan began quickly and sloppily, using his tongue to titillate the top of Lewis' shaft as he sucked on the tip, his head so close to Lewis' skin his blonde hair brushed against his thighs. As he continued to tug and stretch the skin of Lewis' buttocks, Lewis sucked harder on Duncan's cock, exhaling shakily through his nose, propelling hot air against Duncan's length, the pleasure inside him making him want to scream. Lewis started, uncontrollably, bucking his hips against Duncan, the man's fingers slipping against his entrance and more of his length easing into Duncan's mouth. Not able to hold it in, Lewis whined loudly, the sound hastily muffled by the organ in his mouth, the high pitched whimper vibrating through Duncan.

"Fuck." Duncan swore loudly but weakly, letting Lewis' dick fall out of his mouth for seconds before he surrounded it in his heat again.

Lewis' legs began to tremble in bliss as Duncan nudged his index finger into Lewis' tight opening, forcing more of Lewis' length down his throat as he went, the rest of his hands spanking Lewis' behind repeatedly. From then on, all of Lewis' moans and cries in pleasure were stopped by Duncan's rod as he took all of it in his mouth, the cusp knocking against the back of his throat, testing his gag reflexes, but he persevered. Keeping in the same unison the two had been in for the whole evening, they both began to raise up their legs, knocking their feet against the other's back, thrusting their hips further forward at the same time.

"Duncan." Lewis tried to call out, consequently sending more pulsing waves up Duncan, only to receive the same in return, as Duncan inserted another finger into Lewis, pushing them in and out.

Mentally, Duncan was screaming now, as Lewis gave no warning and slotted two digits into him, sucking tremendously hard on his cock as he plunged them in and out of Duncan's tight behind. Sweat dripped off the two of them as they rhythmically rolled their bodies together, Lewis' hands gripping Duncan's behind so tightly his knuckles began to turn white, as Duncan began to paw at the skin of Lewis' arse cheek, as if he wanted to tear it apart. On the last part of their journey, Lewis' hips began to judder, barely able to breath, snorting out air through his nostrils, helplessly shooting beating reverberations through Duncan as he returned the favour. Duncan recognised Lewis' climax movements, displaying his own subconsciously, using every ounce of energy he had left to plough his fingers into him as he engulfed his member.

Lewis felt his body crumple against Duncan's as he came, his mind flashing white with pure pleasure as his hips stopped moving, his feet pressing into Duncan's back and his jaw falling slack, Duncan's dick still in his mouth, silencing his scream. As Lewis' warm cum shot down his throat, Duncan felt his own orgasm ripple through him, his hands stopping their movements to grip Lewis close as his hips rolled, riding out the waves as his seed filled Lewis' mouth. Both of the two swallowed their mouthfuls instantly, needing all their airways clear as they gulped down air, their cheeks burning red.

"Holy shit." Lewis panted, his heaving chest pushing against Duncan's, their sweaty skin sticking together before being pulled apart and repeating the action over and over.

"That was amazing." Duncan replied meekly, trailing his fingertips down from Lewis' arse cheek to his thick, where they drew gentle circles.

"This is really uncomfortable." Lewis laughed, his chuckle much shorter than usual, still needing to take steady breaths.

"Yeah, I'm just staring at your dick." Duncan joked back, able to laugh his usual laugh, always better at catching his breath than Lewis was.

"Same." Lewis smirked back, even though Duncan couldn't see his face, his eyes lazily scanning over the slowly softening member in front of him.

"It's beautiful isn't it?" Duncan teased, his tongue sticking against the edge of his mouth after he spoke.

"So beautiful." Lewis replied cheerily, leaning in to plant a quick kiss on the tip before pulling away again.
"Lewis. Don't kiss my dick. It's weird." Duncan continued to taunt, his body shuffling around and his legs untangling from around Lewis's shoulders.

"I just sucked it Duncan, I don't think kissing makes any difference." Lewis said back, his breathing back to normal finally.

"Good point." Duncan nodded, back to using his hands and legs to push himself back on the sheets, turning so he was on all fours and crawling over to Lewis' face.

"You know, for a 'scientist' you aren't very clever." Lewis criticised, playfully, as Duncan fell into the mattress next to him, sighing loudly.

"And for a 'spaceman', that wasn't exactly out of this world." Duncan smirked back, the actions no longer wasted as Lewis could see him.

"Shut up." Lewis smiled before kissing Duncan deeply, his eyes flicking closed and their chins knocking together slightly.

"I love you." Duncan mumbled as the kiss broke with a smacking sound, his eyes not opening, knowing another kiss was coming soon.

"I love you too." Lewis replied gently, working his fingers through Duncan's tousled hair and pressing their lips together once more.

Credit to leezy on Ao3

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