A Walk Among The Waves (S)

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TW: Teeth-rotting Fluff

"Xephos get the fuck off me."

"But Lalna! It's a new day! Get up!" Xephos felt defeated as the other male just grumbled, pulling the blanket over his head. "Come on, Lal."

"Wake me when it's spring."

The blue-eyed male chuckled. "It's summer, Lalna. You can't use that."

Lalna poked a tired eye out of his blanket cuccoon. "Then wake me when it's autumn."

"You're being no fun." Xephos grinned and tugged on the blanket, exposing his [nearly] naked body. "Wake up!"

"Xephos!" Lalna reached for the blanket, but Xephos easily kept it out of reach. Giving up, Lalna finally sat upright, glaring at his boyfriend. "You know I hate you, right?"

"You do not."

"All right, you got me." The blonde stood, grabbing a few assorted clothing items out of his suitcase. "What did you want to do today, since you're so eager to get up and go?"

"I, uh..."

Lalna rolled his eyes. "All that, and you didn't even have a plan."

Xephos laughed. "I was thinking. Maybe we should just go to the beach and wade or something. We can even go swimming, if you're up for it."

"You certainly seem dressed for the beach." Lalna overlooked Xephos' clothing choice; a blue-and-white t-shirt and a pair of swim trunks that he'd never seen him wear before. "I suppose that's a good idea. It looks nice out."

"Less talking, more getting dressed!" Xephos threw a pair of dark blue swim trunks at Lalna. "Let's go! We're wasting time!"


Lalna laughed as he walked along the shoreline, watching as Xephos dove underwater and grabbed at unsuspecting people's legs. "I hope one of them eventually does you in, love."

Xephos flipped him off as he surfaced again. "I hope a shark eats you!"

"That's about as likely as you acting your age." He chuckled as Xephos ignored him, diving under again. He wasn't paying much attention after that, and was surprised when Xephos was suddenly behind him, wrapping his wet arms aroun him. "Jesus, Xeph!"

"I could totally have kidnapped you!" Xephos snorted. "Then again, no one else would want you. They'd pay me to take you back."


"Anyway," Xephos went on, ignoring Lalna. "Come swimming with me. Please?"\

"I don't really want-"

"Great!" The blue-eyed male grabbed Lalna's hand, dragging him along as he got deeper and deeper. He suddenly let go, and grinned. "Catch me if you can!"

Lalna just watched as Xephos dove underwater and sighed. "You're a pain." His words were fond, however, and he dove under, looking for any sign of his boyfriend. He could see Xephos going for another victim's legs, so he decided to give him a taste of his own medicine. He grabbed Xephos' foot, dragging him to the surface upside-down, but letting go when he saw that Xephos needed air. "How do you like it?"

"If it was anyone else, I would have murdered them." Xephos pouted, crossing his arms as he made his way back to the shore.

"Awww, little Xephy can dish it but he can't take it." Lalna laughed, following him out and standing at the shoreline. "For what it's worth, I'm glad you dragged me out here."

Xephos smiled and stood in front of Lalna, planting a kiss to Lalna's forehead. "I'm glad you agreed to come out with me. Maybe next time, we can-"


"Aww, come on! You don't even know what I was going to say!"

Credit to xyrnystheenderqueen  on tumblr

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