Blame It On The Mistletoe (N)

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It all started with Jack Daniels and mistletoe. After the first nightly stream of the Christmas charity for the bees, Lewis was waysted. It was in the middle between wasted and tipsy, which meant he could control some of the things he was doing. Being the first night he got a little carried away with the Jack Daniels. With the whole decorating Duncan's castle on the tekkit server and the color disagreement between the fans, Duncan, and him, he really needed those drinks. Though now they had gotten to his head and he wasn't very stable.

Since Lewis and Duncan were the last people to leave the Yogtowers from the nightly stream, they were the last to lock up, which is hard when you're drunk.

Fumbling with the keys to the building and what was left of the bottle of Jack, Lewis finally locked up the front door and turned around to the huddled up Duncan standing a few paces away. Duncan was in his warm lightly patterned Christmas sweater that didn't have any of the annoying reindeers and Santa or all the Christmas deserts and treats all over the arms and chest. He also wore a bright red scarf that was rapped twice around his neck in order to keep warm from the chilly Bristol air. Along with his normal soft washed jeans and old sneakers, Duncan was warm and comfortable.

Lewis was dressed in a Christmas sweater that defiantly should not be out in day light. The sweater was black, white and red, the red being big red stars on the stomach of the sweater and big white stripes wrapping around the waist around to the back of the sweater with his faded jeans and his sneakers. On top of Lewis's head was the Christmas hat that looked like Christmas pudding.

Duncan gave a sigh of relief that they could finally leave and go home. Lewis started his slightly staggered walk down the road and Duncan fallowed behind.

Looking over at Duncan, Lewis looked at the ginger hair that messily blew around in the chilly wind.

"You need a haircut.." Lewis commented, continuing walking along side Duncan. He heard a deep chuckle and felt a tug on the bottle of Jack in his hand. Letting go he felt the bottle being removed from his hands. He looked over at Duncan who now had the bottle in his hand and watch him take a gulp.

"Yeah... but I'm too lazy with all this work and editing I gotta do on my channel..." Duncan answered, handing back over the bottle to Lewis.

"Well..." Lewis took his turn with the bottle and took a gracious gulp from the bottle. "...Think about it at some point.."

"Well.. what about you and that Christmas pudding hat of yours? When are you gonna get that thing off?!" Duncan answered back, reaching his hand up and taking the pudding hat off of Lewis's head.

"Hey! That was a gift from Hannah!" Lewis exclaimed, swiping it back from Duncan.

Finally reaching Duncan's apartment, they both stopped at the front door. Lewis shoved the pudding hat back on his head and slowly turned toward Duncan who was near his door. They looked at each other's semi tired complexions and cold cheeks.

"I should be going now..." Lewis said, clenching his fist around the almost empty Jack bottle. He smiled and gave a cheery wave to Duncan and turned around to start walking.

"w-wait! Lewis!" Lewis stopped in his tracks and turned to face Duncan. "Why don't you stay over...I mean your apartment is a bit of a walk...and its late." Duncan exclaimed.

Lewis looked at Duncan's rosy cheeks. "Um...Sure Duncan...That would be nice" Lewis answered. Hannah probably wouldn't like it if he woke her up this late at night, so staying at Duncan's sounded like a good plan.

Smiling at Lewis, Duncan turned around to his apartment door, and pulled out his keys from his pocket and opened his door. "well, comeon in then." Duncan said cheerily as he walked into his apartment.

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