Jungle Fever (N)

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TW: Gay Sex. A Lot.

 Lalna scrambled after Xephos in the jungle, his hands and feet getting caught up in the undergrowth as he tried to keep an eye on the spaceman's back as he marched into the hot darkness of the tropical forest.

"Are we close yet Xeph?" Lalna panted, tripping on yet another root. "You said the jungle bee apiary wasn't that far in!" Without looking back, Xephos called over his shoulder to the blonde scientist.

"Not much further yet, just a bit further up ahead," he told his friend, chuckling to himself quietly. Keeping up a pace he knew the smaller man would have trouble matching, the tall, blue eyed man shivered gently with anticipation. Just as he reached a small clearing, Xephos turned to find Lalna caught up in a mess of vines hanging by his wrists, his feet having slipped out from under him on the moist ground. Laughing out loud at his luck, Xephos approached the panting, entangled man with all the smugness of a cat strutting towards a mouse with it's tail caught in a trap.

"Help me, would you Xeph? I can't get down!" Lalna cried out; something about the look on the taller man's face made him nervous and excited at the same time and he could feel butterflies in his stomach as his friend walked behind him and ran a hand delicately down his spine. Squeaking in surprise, Lalna went completely still as he felt the fabric of his coat rip perfectly along the razor sharp edge of Xephos' diamond sword. Craning his neck, trying to look over his shoulder, Lalna resumed his thrashing as Xephos began tearing away his clothing, a bit at a time until nothing was left but his goggles resting on his forehead. Chuckling again, Xephos walked back around in front of the man where he hung helplessly. Lalna yelped again but was cut short as Xephos leaned in and kissed him, his warm tongue forcing its way between his lips, twining around his surprised friend's. Just as Lalna had begun to relax at the kiss, Xephos ran his hand down the man's chest and wrapped his fingers firmly around his cock, stroking him slowly then with increasing speed. Lalna let out a moan of pleasure into his partner's mouth and and began thrusting into the man's hand, pumping faster and faster. Just as he was about to reach climax, Xephos pulled away and left him there, kissing the air, frustrated and confused. Giggling a bit at the man's obvious desperation, Xephos began stripping off his own clothes as he knelt down in front of Lalna, biting his lip in such a way that Lalna thought he might explode. How had he never seen how handsome Xephos really was? Those bright blue eyes, the neatly trimmed facial hair, his shy smile? Now that he had experienced him sexually, everything about the tall spaceman drove him wild. His thoughts were lost as Lalna threw his head back in pleasure as Xephos took the tip of his cock gently into his mouth, grazing his teeth gently over the sensitive skin. 

Breathing heavily, Lalna looked down at the brunette, who winked cheekily at him then grabbed him by the ass while simultaneously taking his entire length into his throat, down to the base. Lalna's eyes rolled into the back of his head as his mind went blank, and once again, just before he came, Xephos pulled away from him, letting the head of his manhood leave his lips with a smack. Standing up again, Xephos kissed Lalna on the cheek, teasing him with the sticky peck, walking a short distance away, he turned back to the now almost catatonic Lalna to impart a piece of seemingly irrelevant information.

"You know Lalna, I wasn't lying when I said there were bees out here..." Xephos said, reaching into a nearby apiary that the scientist hadn't noticed before. "They also happen to produce a very liquid honey; one might even call it slippery." Lalna stopped at the words, an inkling of what he was about to experience entering the back of his mind. Taking a handful of the honey liquid, Xephos walked back towards his willing victim, a half smile on his face. "Did you know that the native people of many rainforest cultures used to use honey as a lubricant?" he asked Lalna, keeping direct eye contact with the blonde man, who was shaking with eager anticipation at this point.

"You know, I didn't know that actually," Lalna returned, his voice quivering slightly though he struggled to keep it level. Walking behind him once again, Xephos licked his lips seductively as Lalna watched him spread the honey liberally on his own throbbing erection. Placing one hand before Lalna's lips to lick the honey off of, he firmly took hold of the shaking man's waist with the other, holding him in place as he guided the head of his cock to his partner's entrance. Pressing gently against him at first, Xephos pushed more and more stiffly until his entire length entered Lalna, causing both men to gasp in sudden ecstasy. Xephos smiled again, his face pushed up against Lalna's shoulder, as he knew that this was only the beginning. And then he started what he had brought his friend there for.

Hours later, gasping for breath, Lalna barely managed to catch himself as Xephos swung his sword through the vines that had been holding him up for the entire experience. Rolling over on his back, he grinned up at the brunette, who was sweating profusely, but returned the expression, if somewhat more ruefully.

"So what brought this on, eh?" Lalna asked, laughing slightly, still out of breath. "You could have just asked you know, I would have said yes!" Xephos rubbed the back of his head sheepishly before answering.

"I wasn't really sure how you would respond, and besides the other guys are always around back at the base so I thought I'd get you on your own first..." He trailed off as he saw Lalna's grin widen and dropped down next to the other man on the ground to smack him for his cheekiness. Lalna caught his hand easily and pulled the man in for a kiss. Breaking the kiss after a few long seconds, he smiled up at him again, laughing.

"After my examination, I would say the jungle bees are going to need quite a bit of our attention from now on," he said, that cheeky grin still plastered on his face. Xephos nodded in agreement happily and after hastily pulling on their clothing, the two men flew off through the trees hand in hand, each holding half a white coat in their free hand.

Credit to liammorrisaurus on tumblr

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