A Favor (N)

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TW: Smut, Set In Voltz

Author's Note: I totally made all the shit up regarding the assembly of the power glove.

For some reason, whenever Xephos looked at him, Lalna's stomach would churn and a lump would form in his throat. He'd have to shake his head to rid the thoughts forming and cough. Those eyes just did something to him; made him go weak in the knees and blush bright red.

And then the touches. Lalna would be bent down, working on the reactor or finish the power armour, and there'd be a whisper and a hand would graze down his back or over his shoulder, even going as far as to grab his hip. Lalna would freeze, savoring the caress and holding his breath till the hand disappeared. Then turn around with a questioning expression only to be met with Xephos' sly smirk. He'd begin to ask, then, out of embarrassment and apprehension, turn back around to continue with whatever he was doing.

Today began no differently. Lalna sat, tinkering away with the power glove portion of his armour. He wore it while he held a wire his his mouth, pulled taught and taking a pair of pliers to the back. He was just about to loop it around the screw and connect it to the power node, when a tap on the shoulder made his head jerk, snapping the wire in his teeth. He cursed and pulled the glove off, setting his tools down. He spun to face Xephos, who snickered at the man's frustration.

"Thanks a fucking lot, you see what you did?" Lalna accused, holding the unfinished glove up and shaking it in his face.

"Oh, calm down, you pansy. You can always make another," Xephos said, flicking his hand like it wasn't a big deal.

"Yeah, except that we haven't seen any cows or sheep for bloody miles. You know how difficult this'll be?"

"No," the man smiled.

Lalna gave an impatient huff and scowled. "Well, then go away. I've got business to take care of."

"I don't think you can shoo me away that easily," Xephos said, stepping closer. He grabbed the hem of Lalna's lab coat and tugged him close.

The scientist's breath hitched as those mocking eyes bore into his. For a moment, he tried to push the other away, before succumbing to the fluttery feeling in his stomach and holding still. Xephos noticed, and spread his lips into a pleased smile.

Lalna's was still holding his breath, so when he took a tiny inhale, the other man dipped his head down to press his mouth against his. Lalna made a muffled squeak and pulled his arms back, in a sort of scared gesture. When the spaceman hummed into his mouth, beard tickling his face, Lalna relaxed a bit and carefully placed his hands on the man's shoulders, humming back.

Xephos suddenly pulled away, still holding onto Lalna, to raise one side of his face into a cheeky grin. "Got'cha," he whispered, before bringing their faces together again. He moved his hands from the coat to Lalna's waist, slipping between the parted jacket to tug up on his shirt. Lalna got the idea, but still hesitated. He pulled away so he could speak.

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