You're Just My Type (N)

492 7 1

TW: Yoglabs, alien!xephos, Clones, Clone Sex, Tentacles, Threesome - M/M/M, Self-cest, Little bit of Fluff, Double Anal Penetration, Hair-pulling

Lalna stared at the clock as it ticked ever-so-slowly over to lunchtime. Finally, when the red dashes formed a 12 and two 00s, he lept up, smacking his knee on the machine he had been repairing in the process. He dumped his tools in the toolbox, slapped a Do Not Disturb sign on the mess so the janitors wouldn't accidentally toss anything again (little did he know that the janitors had avoided Lalna's room entirely since the last time they did that- one conflict with Xephos was enough), and bolted out the door. The corridor was empty, and Lalna was thankful that the testificates dined in a separate part of the building entirely, it meant tiny lines to the excellent pizza, as it was only the human department leads who ate in this section of the building.

The corridors were empty. No one was around to see him. The hard, freshly-waxed floors called to him.

Lalna slipped off his shoes, tossing them back into his room and leaving him in just his socks. Laughing, he took off running, flung his arms out, and slid further than he had expected to, crashing into a wall on a sharp turn. He went down hard, smacking into the wall, then the floor. Shit. He'd have to check in with the clinic before he went to lunch and report the incident, but he couldn't imagine how he'd explain this. "Sorry, doc, I, a scientific professional and lead researcher at Yoglabs, hurt myself because I was seeing how far I could slide in my socks." Yeah, like that'd fly.

He limped that way anyways, grumbling about his lack of lunch. No doubt Xephos would bring him some leftovers later, and they could laugh about it over cold pizza. Maybe he could get away with building a microwave into his Top Secret Experiment. Checking the map of Yoglabs he kept on his phone, Lalna realized that he could make a detour to the coffee lounge for a moment before heading over to the clinic. He traced the path into the program and the correct coloured line highlighted itself. But it would be such a long way if he just walked, and his shoes were still in his room...

He took off down the hall again, running and sliding until he spotted the open entrance of the coffee lounge. With one last burst of energy, he ran, slid, and stopped directly in the middle of the doorway.

"I," he congratulated himself, "am a professional."

About to enter the lounge, Lalna stopped when he noticed a couple, sitting up against the wall next to the all-important coffee machine. They were wrapped in a passionate embrace, and Lalna didn't blame them. Since Yoglabs employees rarely left besides in a body bag, you had to find love- or lust- where you could.

One of the partners was straddling the other's leg, pressing him up against the wall and covering a large part of their body, making identification impossible. The only thing visible of the other was their long legs, sprawled across the floor, and their hands, one tangled in the top's long blonde hair and the other clutching their white coat, pulling the two close. They kissed slowly, heads moving like they had all the time in the world. Until Lalna's path changed, they probably did. He could leave them alone and head off to his checkup so they could count his bruises and record his excuse, but his stomach growled at him. It was lunch, and even if the only thing he could get was questionable "coffee", he wanted it.

The blond had moved away from the other's face now, kissing down his neck in a way that made the one underneath moan deeply. It was clear, now, that they were both male. Cute, but it didn't deter Lalna from wanting his coffee any more. He walked into the room, hoping to sidestep them on the way to the machine, but his presence startled the poor couple. The bottom kicked his legs in alarm, pushing his knee up into the top's crotch, who groaned and rolled his hips, clearly misunderstanding his intentions.

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