𝟙. ℂ𝕙𝕝𝕠𝕣𝕚𝕟𝕖

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As soon as I entered the water, all the thoughts going through my head silenced. It's like everything went away. That's what I loved about swimming, it cleared my head, it was like I was in another world, all I focused on was me and the water. I always felt refreshed after.

I was jump scared by my alarm blaring at four am this morning. I still hadn't got used to it after all these years. I knew that I couldn't complain about getting up at 4 am most mornings, because I chose this life for myself. Regardless of the extensive training super early in the morning and late in the evenings, there was no sport I'd rather do.

Swimming was my life, even when I didn't have practice, I still needed to train, and holidays were never holidays, the team had to maintain our fitness, or we'd be in trouble when we got back.

The sun hadn't even risen by the time I left the house, it was my turn to use the car, Jess and I sorta shared a car, it was my Dads old car that he left here when he ditched our family, most of time it didn't matter, we had the same friends so we'd usually go places together anyways, but Jess wasn't gonna wake up at 4 am to get to school, so we took it in turns and on Mondays Thursdays and Fridays I took the car to school and she had it on the other days, on the other days Raphael picked me up as he lived across the street, he was nice and he was on the team, we just weren't that close.

I arrived about ten minutes early, I wasn't in the mood to do anything, I was just eating my banana and the other guys had too much energy for a 4:30 on a Monday morning. Tommy, Dave, Josh, Raphael, James, and Seth were the other juniors on the guys varsity team that I knew, the rest including the seniors,mI didn't know too well.  Being on the team required a lot more work than it did in the junior varsity, and you could also get cut.

Lucas used to be on the team with me but he quit a few years ago, I was honestly quite sad, I really enjoyed being on the team together. I could see coach was disappointed. He's always the one to say if you don't want to be here leave, but Lucas had so much potential, so I was left with Tommy and Seth, they were okay, we were sorta friends, but not really. They were in Jason's group, so we knew eachother, they were fun sometimes but I didn't really like them, it's just the stuff they'd say and talk about.
If they could say that stuff about others what's stopping them saying it about you.

We managed to narrowly escaped doing extra sets for not getting to the poolside on time. But we did lots of butterfly which was my specialty.

Another downside of being a swimmer was stinking of chlorine for the rest of the day, I didn't understand how no matter how much I showered I could still smell it. I'm sure others could too.

I got food from the cafeteria then I went to homeroom, I was like twenty minutes early, Lucas came in not long after.

"Hey" he said walking in, he sat on the table in front of mine, he wasn't in my home room but he always came in here anyways.

"How was practice?" He asked.

"Tiring, and the pool was freezing cold as well"

"Sucks to be you" he said smiling.

"Look what Becky did yesterday" he said pulling down his hoodie, exposing multiple purple hickies.

"Damn, she really went for it"

"Yes she did" he said smiling, "she even like gave me a bruise down there"

"Is that even possible?"

"Yes it is"

"Did it hurt?"

"Kinda, but it was a good kinda pain, I'll tell her to go softer next time. Do you wanna see it?" He asked excitedly.

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