Enemy at the Gate

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Six Years Later...

"Mommy, mommy!"

I raced into the twin's room.  Dom was sitting up in bed, the teddy bear his Uncle got for his birthday clutched in his tiny arms.  His eyes were wide with fear as I sat on the bed next to him, pulling him into my lap.

"What's wrong little Domino?"

"I'm not little.  I'm big like Daddy," he sniffled. 

I smiled, kissing the top of his head.  "Oh, I know, you're a big boy."  He grinned up at me, the gap in his smile from his first missing tooth made him even more adorable than normal.  "What's wrong?"

He snuggled closer.  "There's monsters under my bed."

"There are no monsters under your bed, I promise."

"Will you check?"

"Of course I'll check."  I laid him down, tucking the covers tightly around him before getting on my hands and knees to look under the bed.  "Nothing here buddy."

"You're sure?"

"I'm positive."

"Niya said there were."  He glanced at his sister's bed with a frown.  Thankfully his twin was still sleeping. 

I perched on the edge of his bed, running my fingers through his hair.  "I pinky promise there are no monsters under your bed."  I held out my pinky finger and he wrapped his much smaller one around mine with a grin.  "And if there were, what would Mommy do?"

"You would hi-yah them," he smiled, swinging his arms around.

"That's right, I'd hi-yah them.  Now go back to sleep.  I love you to the moon and back."

"I love you more."

I bent down, kissing his forehead, my hands cupping his cheeks.  "I loved you first sweet boy."

"Night Mommy."

Walking to the door I paused, taking one last look at the twins with a smile.  I couldn't believe how big they were, five-years-old going on 30.  They definitely kept us on our toes, but they were the best thing I had ever done. 

Walking down the stairs I yawned as I made my way to the kitchen.  I filled up three cups of coffee, leaving one on the counter for Daryl, and taking the other two with me to the front porch.  Merle was already seated in one of the rocking chairs, fiddling with his prosthetic.  Wordlessly I handed him the cup, sitting down in the chair beside him.

"How are the twins?"


He grunted.  "Lucky bastards."

I sipped my coffee, Chief Ramhorn settling in by my feet, enjoying the quietness that only seemed to occur in the early mornings in Alexandria.  A few houses down the front door opened and Apocalypse Barbie stepped out sporting yesterday's clothes, closing the door quickly while scanning the street.  She spotted Merle and I and she scowled which only made me laugh.  I raised my coffee cup by way of a greeting, and she promptly flipped me the bird before stalking off.

"That's one epic walk of shame," I commented dryly, chuckling as I watched Apocalypse Barbie hustle down the street before someone else saw her.

"I thought that was over?" Merle questioned blandly, sipping his coffee.

"In my experience, it's impossible to get over him if you're under him."

Merle held out his coffee cup and I tapped mine against it, both of us grinning.  It felt better than I could ever express having him back, having him whole.  He was part of my family, and there was literally nothing I wouldn't do for him.  It had been a long, painful road, but he was here and he was trying.  That was all any of us could ask. 

Red ~ TWD (Daryl Dixon)Where stories live. Discover now