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"So, where is your family going for spring break this year?" Mel asked, handing me my second drink of the night. I'm trying to take it slow. I don't feel like having a hangover tomorrow.

"Hawaii, Honolulu" I sipped the sweet beverage before the punch hit me with a potent after taste.

"What! I wish I could come with you." she pouted.

"Me too, but you know how my dad is about business trips." I rolled my eyes. Beau, Myles and Noah were joining us around our small fire. They're coming out of the water since it's completely dark now.

When they walked back to where we were Myles and Noah turned with their backs facing us to grab their shirts and I realized they both have sun tattoos on their shoulders.

"You guys have the same tattoo as Landon," I thought out loud.

Myles looked at me confused, probably wondering how I knew about Landon's tattoo. "Yeah, we do,"

"What does it mean?" I asked.

"It was just a stupid drunk dare for us to get matching tattoos" Noah slid his shirt over his head. "Speaking of... Where is Landon?" he looked around.

"He had to go to the bathroom," I responded.

"I'm sure he did," Myles chuckled, making my stomach become uneasy.

Noah nudged him in the side causing his laughing to come to a stop. "What?" he whined rubbing his rib.

"Shut up" Noah scoffed and gave me a look.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom" I said standing up quickly. I don't know what's wrong with me. Ever since Landon kissed me, I have felt a certain way. I know it sounds stupid. It meant nothing and I know he did it just to get me to stop talking but it felt different for me. It didn't feel like it did with Austin. I felt something.

"You want me to come?" Mel looked up to me.

"No, it's okay. It's not a far walk and I need a minute" I told her honestly. She always respects my boundaries and my need for alone time. Lately I haven't been getting a whole lot of it and I'm on the verge of having a breaking point. I tossed my empty red solo cup into the fire and headed towards the bathrooms.

I wonder if Myles is right? Is Landon hooking up with someone?

Why does it matter?

My emotions are all over the place. The way I feel about Landon is complicated. He scares the hell out of me, I don't trust him, he's rude, arrogant, etc. etc.

But deep down, I can't help but get butterflies when he smiles or touches me. I feel safer when he's around. Mostly because it's his job to protect me but it doesn't just feel like that.

I never felt this way with Austin so maybe it's just the fact that I'm scared of him. Maybe it's anxiety and my brain is just completely miss reading the whole thing.

Oh no. What if I have Stockholm syndrome?

Nah, you have to be kidnapped for that right?

I heard exaggerated laughter coming from my left where the kegs outside are set up and I turned my head just out of habit and pure nosiness when I saw Landon holding a red solo cup talking to a pretty blonde.

She looked at him flirtatiously as she played with her hair with one hand and hit him playfully with the other. Myles was right, he's looking for someone to hook up with.

I felt my face heating up and I turned quickly to get to the bathroom.

What is wrong with me? I need to pull myself together.

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