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When I first met Stormi she was the complete opposite of what I expected. It didn't take long to figure it out. I decided in the beginning to keep her at arm's length but it was hard. She acted like she cared and treated me like anyone else no matter how horrible I was to her.

When she was abducted the other night I felt sick. I felt responsible. I need to make it up to her. Make sure she's happy and feels okay.

After our talk in the parking lot a while ago and I confessed my coke addiction I made up my mind that things would be different between us. That I would be nicer. I tried, I really did. My addiction though, made it hard. I would get cranky and snap and take things out on her and she never deserved that so I vowed that I would quit.

Quitting has been a struggle and I thought I could last but when I was on the plane I just needed it. My thoughts wouldn't stop and Myles and Noah were acting like idiots. But I haven't had any since and I won't have any ever again. I know it's easier said than done but I've been distracting myself to keep myself from giving in.

"So where are we going?" Stormi pulled me from my thoughts and I looked over to her sitting in the passenger seat waiting expectantly.

"It's a surprise" I tell her. If I'm being honest I have no clue where we are going. I just wanted to get out of the hotel to distract myself from any cravings. Going mad with the need to get high is not how I want to spend my birthday. I've never wanted to spend my birthday doing anything. But being around her will make this day tolerable.

"What if I do a yes day?" I offer.

"A yes day?" she turned her head like a lost puppy not understanding what I mean.

"A day where you name what you want to do and I have to say yes." I feel like something like that may help with the trust side of things. I trust her with things and I want her to be able to do the same. Even if she says she trusts me I just want to make sure it's solidified.

"You, saying yes to anything?" she grinned. "Hell really has frozen over." she laughed. I just want to show her that I'm willing to get out of my comfort zone for her.

"There's a spring fair that I was looking at going to while I'm here. We could do that" she suggests.

"Fair it is." I tell her and she pulls out her phone to search the location. I've never been to a fair before so this should be interesting.


"So what made you decide on a yes day?" Stormi asks as we got our wristbands from the man at the ticket booth.

"I think it could be a good trust builder." I reply honestly. I take the paper of the wristband but struggle to put it on myself. How the hell am I meant to do this one handed.

"Let me help you" Stormi slowly reaches over to grab it like she's afraid of my reaction. That's how I know that no matter what she says she doesn't fully trust me. She still has the feeling I could snap and take everything back at any second. That I'll go back to the asshole I was before.

Her small fingers wrap the band around my wrist and she lightly presses the sticker down like she's afraid she will hurt me. "There ya go" she smiles.

I can still feel the heat of her finger tips tracing me even though she's not touching me anymore and my dick twitches. NO. Things aren't like that with her. No matter how sexy she is.

I can't treat her the same way. I can't just fuck her and dip like I do with every other girl. Stormi isn't like that. She deserves better than that. 

"So, where should we start?" I ask quickly to get my mind away from that place.

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