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After we finished eating, we walked down the road to the beach because Myles and Noah wanted to swim. They came prepared. Had their swim trunks on and everything.

I of course will not be swimming. I didn't wear my bathing suit and I'm not risking them seeing my thighs anyway.

Apparently, Landon doesn't plan on going for a swim either considering we were sitting in a comfortable silence in lounge chairs while watching Noah and Myles.

I've honestly been thinking about that check stub all day and it's really bugging me. I don't know how to go about getting an answer. What am I supposed to do? Just flat out ask him.

Hey, is my dad your boss?

Yeah, that's a great idea Stormi. He will totally be honest.

I sighed in irritation without realizing it, causing Landon to look at me.


"Nothing, just curious about some things" I turned my head to look at him briefly. I know he can read me, so I don't want to look too long.

"So how many deliveries do you guys have to make this week?" I decided to strike up a conversation so I can subtly seek for my answers.

Landon looked at me with curious eyes before he smirked a little. "Why? Are you the police?"

"Just curious about how everything works and what you guys do." I shrugged.

Landon sat silently like he was contemplating if he should indulge in the conversation or not before he sighed. "We have three."

"All in Honolulu?"

"One here, the other two are out of town. "So, you guys will be all over. Do you get paid to do you know... everything you guys have to do?" I looked at him in question.

"No. Most of us are blackmailed or threatened." he's answering but not elaborating.

"And you guys?" I pressed for detail.

Landon hesitated like he was trying to decide if he should share it with me. His brows knitted and he licked his lips before speaking. "Mostly threatened. We get a cut sometimes from the delivery's" he shrugged.

"Have you ever met my dad?" I blurted.

Damn it Stormi... way to be subtle.

He looked at me with furrowed brows for a moment before he quickly shut the conversation down. "no"

"Never?" I pressed. He just lied to me. If he's never met my dad, why would my dad be paying him.

"Stormi... what is this about?" his eyes darkened, and he became defensive.

"Nothing, just trying to figure out why my dad would be paying someone who was told to protect me by his 'boss' who runs some sort of organization." I blurted. Apparently, I'm struggling to beat around the bush today. I have a history of people not being honest with me and I would like to know if my dad is involved in all of this.

"Stormi, what are you talking about?" his voice grew agitated.

"My dad. Why is he paying you?" I said sitting up on the edge of the chair facing him to make myself feel less small compared to him. "And don't bother lying."

"Stormi, just leave it. It's not what you're thinking." he brushed it off.

"Then what is it exactly?" I waited for a response.

Landon just scoffed, turning his head to the side looking out to some people walking to the water.

"Alright forget it" I said standing up and walking back towards the road.

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