Train Crash

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(Just as an fyi, shit is gonna happen in chronological order, but some events may be changed....also keep in mind that most is not cannon)

Holy shit. How the fuck are you alive? How are all of you alive?! How did all 7 vault hunters survive that train crash? Those explosions could have, no scratch that, SHOULD have killed you all.

I rise to my feet slowly, trying to find some balance as to not fall over. My head was dizzy, it hurt. Everything hurt though to be honest. I turn my body to see who was around me, my eyes first lay on Kreig and Maya.

"You guys okay?" I holler out, as I walk slowly towards them through the shallow snow.
"INDESTRUCTIBLE!" Is all Kreig yells out. That, I can understand.
"Yeah, we're ok!" Maya yells back, checking her body for any serious wounds. I look over behind me, and see Zer0, Gaige, Axton, and Salvador. I take a couple steps towards the group, looking over them.
"No clue how the hell were all alive right now, just gonna put that out there." Gaige speaks up.
"You and me both." I reply back.
"What...happened exactly..?" Salvador says quietly.
"Bombs on the train/exploded the cart to bits." Zer0 explains.
" that Jack guy. Handsome Jack or whatever he calls himself." Axton snarls.
"You guys okay? Anybody seriously hurt?" I ask, trying to change the conversation to more important matters.
Everyone looks everybody over, nodding their head in return. "I mean, we're in dire need for some health packs, but I think we'll hold in for now." Axton replies. Axton makes for a good leader, not like our group needs it, but it's nice to have someone who can keep us together.

We start to walk in a random direction, and come across a robot, it calls itself Cl4ptr4p. He's annoying as fuck, but he's the best and only help we came across. As we follow the little robot to it's base, we're stopped by an alluring voice coming from an unknown source. "I'll explain everything soon, but know this - you're alive for a reason, and I... am here to help you." We stop in our tracks, and look to each other. "Who said that?" Axton asks, no one replies. "No idea. Glad i'm not the only one hearing voices in my head." Maya speaks up as we continue to walk.

Somewhere down the line, we come to a town called Liars Berg, somewhere in the southern shelf. Again, the voice speaks out to us. " Once upon a time, four vault hunters changed Pandora forever. But their time has passed, thanks to Handsome Jack. Pandora needs new heroes, I know those heroes will be you guys." Once again, the voice is silenced, refusing to elaborate on the meaning of the saying. I ponder a moment on those words. 

"Those heroes will be you guys."

 I'm dragged out of my headspace when my ECHO makes a noise. I bring it out of my back pocket, making the noise out for static. I flipped it on to see an incoming live message

From Jack.

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