Oh The People we Meet

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I'd thought that taking a solo mission was in my best interest since we got back from Frostburn Canyon. I needed to just seclude myself for a bit, even if it was just for an evening. I was thinking too much about the group's first interaction with Lilith a little too hard and needed a distraction.

I took a technical out with me into the Dust for an afternoon to help Ellie around the shop. I did odd jobs like helping assemble vehicle parts and even set up some decor to "fancy the place up" as Ellie would have said. I really enjoyed Ellie's company. She was fun to have a conversation with, and she was definitely open about current events she had heard of on Pandora.

I stayed a good while before turning in my missions and contemplating on leaving. I had decided to stick around and explore, since I really didn't want to do much else. I took my car out of the shop and head towards the sandy hills.


Somewhere down the line I had an interaction with a bunch of crazy psychos driving a car, literally a bunch of psychos. This left my car an absolute pile of metal which was beyond repair, even with what I had on me for any attempt to get the car running again. I look at my surroundings for any sign of building or anything that I can walk to for service.


"God damn it..." I huffed and let out a frustrated sigh as I halfheartedly kick the rubble of my car. I had no clue of where my exact location was, and I was far from the shop but it would be pointless to walk back now. All I could do was stay put at my car, and pray that a bandit vehicle would come by so I could steal it.

I sit around my useless car and look through my supplies to pass time. I had food, health hypos, some spare ammo for a handgun, bandages, binoculars, and a heavy duty flashlight. I check over my body for wounds, thankfully there were none, and looked up at the orange fading yellow sky. Night was coming soon and it wouldn't be good for me if I stayed out here by myself for any longer.

Somewhere a moving vehicle engine floods my hearing. I spring up from my spot and look for the noise, getting on top of my damaged car. Somewhere West of me is bright headlights, and I flash my flashlight in their direction.

" . . .  - - - . . . " I flash my light at the car for its attention by blinking S.O.S. in morse code. A few attempts had eventually got the vehicles attention, as it headed my way. I make sure my handgun is loaded at my hip, in case of whomever this mystery rescuer is trouble. The car slows and rolls up next to me as I hop down from the metal and make my way towards the passenger car door. I tap on the window as it rolls down a moment later. The face I'm greeted with however:

"WHAT THE FUCK?!" I shout, back away from the car with my hands thrown up. I turn around to avoid looking at him, but then whip my head around to look at him again.

This can't possibly be Jack. Jack wouldn't go drive out in the middle of nowhere in a god forsaken hell hole.

Actually, scratch that, he would do that.

I come closer to the car cautiously to look at his face. He looks at me with a concerned expression, his gesture nervous as if I was to shoot him.
"You....uh, okay there...?" He asked nervously. "I'm not gonna kill ya, I swear kiddo." I stare at him with narrowed eyes, eyebrows raised in confusion.
" You're...not Jack....are you?" I ask hesitantly. The man gives a puzzled look.
"It's just that you don't seem..."
"Like Jack? Yeah because I'm not, you're right. I'm one of his many doppelgängers. I usually drop the act when I'm out doing solo missions. It's tiring to pretend to be a self-absorbed tyrant asshole you know?" He explained, giving a nervous giggle.
I nod in response, still trying to get a sense on the situation.
"So...we're you needing a lift or...?" He asks, gesturing at my car.
"Oh, yea I do. Even just to the nearest town or station is fine, if you'll have me." I reply, almost sheepishly.
"Uh, yeah I can do that if you promise not to kill me or anything." He says simply, unlocking the car door. I hop in and set my bag in front of my feet. "Thanks. I apologize for my overreaction, I'm sure you get that a lot, I just... wasn't expecting such a famous face." I admit quietly, not making eye contact. He shrugs and starts the car, as he starts driving us away from the car wreck.

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