Merry Mercenary Day, Kiddo.

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A/N: Hey yall! This is just a short snippet for the upcoming Christmas holidays. Not relevant to the main plot of the story, but there's a significant item that may come in a later chapter. But overall, it connects Jack and reader more ☺️

Enjoy, and merry Christmas!

It's not too often that we can all get together as a family, rather than vault hunters, and enjoy the holidays together. I had often spent the winter seasons with my family before coming to Pandora, this was my first year without them.

Gaige and I knew Mercenary Day by a different title. We grew up on the Edens. But I suppose it didn't really matter what we called it. It all meant the same thing.

To spend time with the people you love and ponder on the things we appreciate.

Sitting at the table is Gaige, Maya, Zer0, Krieg and I. We sit with a drink in our hand or the table while we talk amongst ourselves. The others are spread throughout the headquarters building, doing just about the same as us.
"So, expecting to give or receive gifts this evening?" Gaige asks the table, sipping on her glass. Maya shrugs and glances over to Kreig. "Dunno. I had some ideas for someone at the table, but I think maybe I'll give gifts later." She smiles at Kreig. Krieg looks back but cannot keep solid eye contact for long.

A small part of me thinks about how much of an affect Maya has on Kreig. By his mannerisms and gestures for her, it's almost obvious he's head over heels for Maya. I wonder if she is aware, let alone feel the same. But judging how much time she spends with him, I'm believing more and more that she loves him all the same.

"I don't think I had anything in mind. Just kinda showing my appreciation to people, y'know?" I take a sip. 
"I get that. Sometimes people show appreciation better through actions rather than gifts." Gaige comments, but after setting her glass down on the table and getting up hastily. "Which reminds me, I have to give something to Zer0. BRB!" Zer0 looks up at Gaige leaving the room with a "?" on his mask.

After a few moments Gaige comes back with a metal box. She sets it down on the table infront of Zer0. "What's this?" He asks. "You're just gonna have to open it and find out!" Gaige replies with a grin on her face. Zer0 looks back down at the box and removes the lid diligently. In the box he pulls out a rod that's as long as his forearm. "Whip the rod in your hand, it turns into something super cool." Zer0 gets out of his seat and stands away from the table, giving it a whip in the air. A light illuminates from the rod, and a bright neon red holographic blade appears. Zer0 shows a "!" on his mask as he brings the blade closer to his face to examine it.

"Whoa." Maya says impressed.
"BLOOD SHINY" Kreig reacts.
I was fascinated by the aesthetics of the object, "Gaige, where did you get that?! It looks so badass!" I ask.
"I made it! I noticed how Zer0 was getting tired of his current blade, and looking to buy a new one. So I thought making one that could be carried around without a hassle and complimented his look was perfect!" Gaige explains, looking at the group around the table.
Zer0 just stares at his sword for a moment in silence, exploring every inch of the sword. "Thank you." He looks up at Gaige with a "<3" on his mask. Gaige gives a toothy smile. "Welcome! Merry Mercenary day!"

After some more chatting and filling up on food and drinks, my social battery was wearing thin, and is when I decided to have a breather. Being around people was joyful and all, but sometimes I felt like I needed to get away, even for a moment.

I took a step out the door and into the brisk cold air. I've always loved the idea of winter. It was a pretty atmosphere at night. I take a deep breath of cold air through my mouth, letting the cold sting my lungs. I start walking out of sanctuary headquarters, and towards Pierce Station. I glance up at the balcony of headquarters, and see everyone having a nice time socializing with each other. It felt nice for us to unwind and not have to worry about the world, even for a night. Vault Hunters or not, we all needed it.

I get a static on my ECHO and I immediately answer it, already having a clear idea of who it may be.
"Happy Mercenary Day Kiddo!" Jack says cheerfully in the other line. I smile.
"Happy Mercenary day, Jack." I say back.
"So, you visiting with all the rest of the bandit scum down there?" Jack asks.
"Mhm. I am. But I'm just outside right now. You know, enjoying the weather." I reply, looking up at Helios, wondering if Jack may be looking down at Pandora at the same time.
"What about you? You have family to see?"
"Meh, not really. I don't exactly have "strong" connections with my family." He replies monotonously. I hum in response. Then silent.
"I got you a little something." Jack breaks the silence. I perk up, furrowing my eyebrows.
"You got me a gift?...Why?" I ask, confused.
"Uh, because it's Mercenary day, duh."
"Well, yeah. But just because it is doesn't mean you have to get me something. Don't be such a smartass, Jack." I retort in a jokingly tone.
"Yeah yeah whatever. Anyways-" Jack ruffles through some sort of packaging then something plops on a hard surface. "I figured I'd give you a nice present so we can have a way of communicating other than a stupid radio station." He explains. I sit down on a bench nearby the fast travel station.
"Jack, that's awful nice of you and all, but how do you suppose you give me a gift like this? Can't exactly send a moonshot down to sanctuary, that would cause a panic, and to be honest, I'm not really in the mood for your shenanigans right now." I admit, letting out a huff in humour.
"Awe pumpkin, I thought you liked my shenanigans." He says in a sarcastic and sad tone. "But don't you worry your pretty little head over that. You see, I'll just send it through a fast travel mailbox. You bandits have one of those right?" He asks. I think for a moment.
"Uh, yeah I'm pretty sure we do." I reply, getting up from the bench and over back to headquarters.
"Kay, just give me a location and I'll send it to you. Keep me on the line though, wanna hear your reaction." He says, as I walk my way back to the mailbox out front of the building. I do as he asked, and not a moment later, something digistructs. I open the container and pull out a small black box with a gold ribbon tied around it. I untie the ribbon and slowly open the box, purposely building suspense for myself. When I take the lid off or the box, I observe at a black watch, with a rather decently large screen. I was almost certain it was one of the newer ECHO XS models. I grinned at the gift.
"Jack, this is amazing...Thank you." I say quietly. His gesture of gratitude blew me away. It certainly wasn't something I expected him to do. "Eh don't mention it. I figured it's better for the both of us to continue talking in a more discreet way." He explains. Then the question seemed to have lingered.

He wants to continue talking to me? Why more privately?

I bring myself out of my thoughts, trying not to go silent on him. "Really, it's an amazing gift. Not also to mention that this will probably do a lot more than what my regular ECHO does." I say as I take it out of the box and turn it to inspect it. "Glad you like it cupcake." Is all Jack says back. It was back to that silence again, but it wasn't because I didn't know what to say, I was just hesitant to say something. "Hey Jack..?" I say without thinking. Now I really was in for it. "Did you wanna talk for a bit?" I like talking with you. Was more so my hidden message underneath my question. The line remained silent, and I held my breath, waiting for an answer as if me being quiet would envoke something to happen.

"Yeah, I'd like that." Jack replies pleasantly. I let out a quiet sigh of relief and smile to myself.

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