The Element Of Surprise

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When I wake up after a long, sleepless night thinking of yesterday's events, I dress myself in my clothes, and enter the bathroom. I spent a lot of time in the bathroom, looking at my complexion in the mirror. I could use a shower. My hair was greasy, and my skin was littered with dirt and blood. Of course, showering would have to wait till I got back to Sanctuary. This shit hole of a motel didn't have working showers.

When I've had enough of looking at the dirty vault hunter in the reflection, I begin to pack my things in the other room. I had left my ECHO watch on the table while I slept, so when I go to turn it over, I anticipated some sort of text from Jack. So when I turned over the device and got nothing. I felt...disappointed. For what exact reason, I wasn't so sure. And not knowing what exactly made me not feel good, bothered me. I managed to convince myself that this wasn't really important at the time and went on with my day, heading out the door. It felt pointless to try and make sense of something that couldn't right now.

The ride back seemed short. I know I said id try to forget, but it's difficult to when I so desperately want to know what Jack meant by pushing us off his priority list, why he wont tell me about this power core. I know we don't know each other all that well, but deep down I wish he'd tell me whats going on.

As we enter the rocky road back to sanctuary's gates, I look down to the power core I'm holding. I examine it in my hands, turning it every direction to see its design. It doesn't look like anything I've seen. I know Jack said hes gonna sabotage the defence shields of Sanctuary, but....with knowing this information; was I supposed to say something? I can't just put lives at risk because I knew a part of Jack's plan that the others did not. It would be immoral to purposely jeopardise the security of people, families even.  On the other hand, Jack trusted me enough to tell me this, how would he feel if I told them before it happened? He said that we needed to be pushed off his priority list. I was conflicted. Deep down in my gut, I had a strong feeling that whatever Jack needs to do for us to leave him alone, he has a good reason for it. As a friend, if Jack even considered us that, I want to keep it quiet. As a vault hunter, I want to do what's best for the good people of Pandora. 

The car suddenly stopped, bringing me out of my thoughts and I jumped out of my seat to investigate why we had braked. As I hop out the backseat, I walk around the car to see Lilith standing directly in front of the car. She's occupied talking to a gate guard. About what, I wouldn't be too sure. All I knew is that her body gesture looked anxious. When she makes eye contact with me, she instantly looks down at the power core in my hands. She rushes over to me and takes the object out of my hands. "Finally, thought something had gone wrong when you guys didn't arrive on time." Lilith blurted out, turning her back towards me and started walking towards Sanctuary's generators. We all follow suit behind her. I glance towards the others facial expressions. None seemed to have been expecting anything bad to come out of this, and it left a terrible feeling in my stomach. As we walked up the stairs, I felt the urge to speak up and interject. "A new power core? Whoa, that looks like it could keep our shields up for months, years, even. As much as I hate using Hyperion tech, that core you brought us a while back is nearly burnt up." Lt. Davis, the guard of the generator, queried. Lilith grows impatient, not looking up for conversation. With that, she turns her body towards the generator and pops out the original core for the new one. All her actions went by so quick that I spoke without thinking, in any hopes of trying to stop anything before things turned for the worse. "Lilith wait-" Just as I speak, the generator begins to tweak out, and shorts circuits, breaking all of Sanctuary's defenses. "What the hell?" Lt. Davis blurted. "What the fuck just happened-" Lilith's comment is cut short by Jack's voice on our ECHOS. "You know, I think it's finally time to tell you that little secret." The monitor that shows Sanctuary's stats glitches, and Angel's face shows up on the screen. We all open our mouths in shock. "No fucking way!" Gaige exclaimed. This is what Jack must have been hiding from us;

From me. 

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