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Chapter 8

"Ministry of Magic, Auror Department, main room!" Albus Dumbledore shouted into the flames before he pushed his head through making a Floo call to the Ministry. As always the room was rather quiet, people through the lives of Auror's were always spectacular and that they were always on the move, one adventure after another. That wasn't the truth, a lot of the time they spent in the offices waiting for call outs or tips offs on dangerous wanted wizards, people desperate enough for the rewards that came with finding a known fugitive. "Hello?" he called out to catch someone's attention.

"Can I help you?" droned a tired Auror, gazing at the fire expectantly. Usually those that Floo called were in need of something, usually an Auror.

"My I speak to Auror Aaron Moody or one Philipp Prewitt?" Albus enquired giving the Auror a smile.

"Aaron!" yelled the Auror.

"What is it, Mallard?" Aaron shouted back, from somewhere at the very back of the room where dozens upon dozens of filing cabinets were stored.

"Who are you?" Mallard asked the face in the fire.

"My name is Albus Dumbledore, I am the Head of Gryffindor house and Transfiguration teacher at Hogwarts as well as Deputy Headmaster," Albus told him.

Mallard rolled his eyes when he looked away, his name would have done well enough, "Dumbledore, he wishes to speak to you, hurry up!" the main Floo was supposed to be used for those that needed help, it was used for all sorts of things when it shouldn't be, they abided by the rules only when the head Auror was there, or the Head of the Department of Law enforcement and the occasional time the Minister was in their presence which admittedly wasn't often.

Cursing in annoyance, he grabbed what files he had in his hand and thumped them on his desk, before making his way to the fireplace. He couldn't understand why the Deputy Headmaster would get in touch with him of all people. Kneeling on the floor, where a cushioning charm was permanently embedded so they didn't end up with sore knees. "Can I help you?" he asked, sounding professional despite the fact he'd not interacted with the elder wizard before.

"Yes, I hope so!" Albus said kindly, "I've been informed that you are on a student of mine, Hadrian Peverells case?"

"Yes," Aaron was still perplexed; surely he knew that he wasn't going to be able to give out information.

"Has there been any word on his relatives? I wish to see if there are other family members out there, perhaps a sister of brother that wasn't mentioned. He has until the summer holidays and if no family is found he will need to be placed in an Orphanage." Albus said sounding worried, "Have you found out anything? I understand it should be kept quiet, but I am concerned about him, after everything he's been through an orphanage is the last place for him." lying through his teeth.

"It's been four days, and you know how bad the entire continent is right now, the have a lot more to worry about than unclaimed dead bodies, I'll be surprised if Auror Dalca gets back in touch." Aaron admitted darkly, Dalca was tired, noticeable even over a Floo connection he had sensed it, things weren't going well over there.

He wished he could help, but the Ministry wasn't having anything to do with it, insisting that their own people could handle it - that he and the others were needed here. People were also fleeing the continent trying to get to countries unaffected by it, but with the Muggle war getting out of hand as well things were becoming even more dangerous.

"How about the addresses in the UK could they lead somewhere?" Albus asked desperately.

Aaron frowned, "I'm sorry but I cannot say any more, I will give updates to the Headmaster as they are prudent," he'd already said too much, he was bound by the law of privacy, Albus Dumbledore had no say whatsoever on Hadrian Peverell and that was how it would remain.

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