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Chapter 39

"Here, you both missed lunch," Carrow said, speaking for the group, as he put two plates on the table having been hiding it from the librarian, Selnick wasn't too bad when it came to being strict, but food was obviously the number one rule in the library that he stuck to.

Hadrian glanced at the clock blinking in surprise, they'd actually been in here for over five hours, bloody hell, and he'd never spent such a long time in the library before. "Thanks," he murmured gratefully, biting into the sandwich they'd brought him, cheese, ham and pickle, it was one of his favourites.

Damn Slytherin's weren't half observant, even his so called best friends hadn't known his favourite foods, just Dobby. "What have you guys been up to?" he asked after swallowing his bite, quite quickly to take another, he really was hungry.

"Nothing much, just went for a fly," Lestrange said as he took a seat, the others followed, Nott, Carrow and Dolohov. "You really should have given Quidditch a try; you're bloody brilliant on a broom!"

"I love flying, Quidditch I can do without," Hadrian shook his head, who would have thought he'd ever say those words? Quidditch he could do without? His eleven year old self would have screamed at him for his 'blasphemy' no doubt.

He'd been proud of the fact he was the youngest seeker of the century, still proud but it was nothing he could talk about without people here thinking he was lying through his teeth. He didn't have the urge to play here, he wasn't burdened with fame and people loving or hating him at the drop of a hat.

Another reason he'd rarely gone flying, well that and the brooms sucked, he was used to flying a damn Nimbus and Firebolt for Merlin's sake, those old school brooms were pathetic next to them.

"Never!" Lestrange said vehemently, "Quidditch is the best."

"Hardly," Tom stated. It was a foolish waste of time, flying around on a broom after a snitch or hitting Bludgers.

And that was it, another word wasn't said on the subject much to Hadrian's amusement, he watched them with twinkling green eyes. He never got bored with the hold Tom seemed to have over the others, his word was law with them and that was it.

Hadrian's gaze shifted to Tom's, staring at him pensively, wondering what it was that held three generation of wizards and witches enchanted with him, it wasn't his looks, since by his time he didn't have the looks to enchant others into following him. Was he truly that powerful? Or was it the hold he had being Salazar Slytherin's heir?

Part of it he suspected was how far the magical world had declined, when Dumbledore took up the unofficial throne and changed so many laws and made a branch of magic almost extinct as if the devil itself was imbued in it. Hell it could be a combination of all of them that he thought could be the reason.

The loud clearing of a throat had Hadrian blinking and coming back to the current conversation going on around him, which sounded to Hadrian a little bit too forced as if they were trying to pretending not to know what was happening.

Far from being annoyed, Tom was sitting there smugly, honestly Hadrian half expected him to start prancing around like a proud peacock. Hadrian just rolled his eyes, of course Tom thought everything was about him but in this case it might be true but he wasn't going to admit it - that would just make him even smugger although he didn't think it was possible.

Hadrian stretched out languidly; he'd been in the same position for hours, "Is there anyone out in the pitch right now?"

"It's Christmas, there's no schedule," Carrow said, watching Hadrian put a bookmark in the book he was reading and swipe it closed.

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