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Chapter 47

Hadrian made his way to the Transfiguration classroom, still annoyed beyond belief at Dumbledore. He had intended on giving him that detention before he even walked into that classroom and to top it off he hadn't wasted a second in giving him it for the first available half assed excuse. If one of his precious Gryffindors had done it (and they did do it) would they have received detention? Would they have hell. No, he was up to something, he and Tom both knew it, they just didn't know what he was trying to accomplish. There would have been a time where he had been excited, happy even to meet a younger Dumbledore, to see what he was like. He had been such a naïve little shit back then though, he thought with self disgust, he knocked loudly on the door, his lip curling when he heard the old man bidding him to enter.

Erecting his mental barriers, pushing down all his hatred behind them, he didn't need to worry about Dumbledore getting into his mind. Death had informed him that it would be impossible to do so, his mind was protected to the greatest extent, after all nobody should have his knowledge. It was imperative that nobody ever found out unless he wished it of course, but Death had added that even without the safety measures taken, that he would have honed his abilities so much so that even someone as powerful as Tom or Dumbledore wouldn't have broken his barriers. He wasn't just a wizard anymore, he was Master over Death, and that made him the most powerful being to walk the world. The older he got, the more powerful he would become, regardless of what body he was in. Which Hadrian had found rather odd to say the least, the older a wizard got, the more their core diminished, while Dumbledore was powerful he was passed his prime, or would be soon enough, by the end of his life in his original time, Dumbledore's powers had diminished and it had nothing to do with the curse on his hand.

Shaking off his useless thoughts, Hadrian opened the door and walked in, he took a seat at the front of the classroom, something he hadn't done in a long time. He put his bag on the floor at his feet, unconsciously feeling at the invisible ring on his finger, an added protection just in case Dumbledore did try anything. He doubted he would, after all he wasn't someone unused to magic, like when Dumbledore had first used magic against him to compel him to do things, be the compulsive Gryffindor moulding him to be what he wanted, all the while surrounding him with people who reported everything to him. Cursing his wandering thoughts, he stared ahead impassively.

"Ah, Mr. Peverell, prompt I see," Dumbledore said, standing up, he moved over to the teen, placing a roll of parchment on the desk. "I want you to write lines as your punishment for being disrespectful to a teacher," he added, shaking his head in disappointment.

Hadrian arched an eyebrow at that, barely preventing himself from snorting derisively, he wasn't a child who cared about having someone disappointed in him. Especially not a man like Dumbledore, in fact he couldn't wait until the day came where he destroyed Dumbledore's reputation to pieces. Unveiled everything the old fool wished to keep hidden from the public, by the time he was done Dumbledore wouldn't be able to use people the way he did in his time. He might still have those who follow him but not the majority of the magical world. In fact he prayed that when the news got out that Dumbledore wouldn't end up Hogwarts Headmaster.

Hadrian turned away from Dumbledore, dismissing him without saying a single word, making sure the old fool knew without him saying anything that he didn't care for him or his words. Instead he unrolled the parchment, and grabbed his quill from his bag before writing the words that Dumbledore had written at the top, 'I must not disrespect my professors' and so he began writing, anything to get this over and done with.

He had sent off another owl to Ironclaw before coming for his detention, he had gotten in touch with him right away, considering the money he was making the goblin he wasn't surprised. As manager he got a certain amount of money, more so for each time he successfully invested in another company he requested. He had yet to let him down, then again he had made it more than clear that if he didn't then he would just get another goblin to take care of his account. Considering how quickly he continued to get back, Hadrian would bet that he was considered the top client and given priority over all others.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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