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Chapter 12

The past few months had been extremely odd to say the least, it was now the end of April, Christmas and New Year had gone and past. Nothing was said about Tom's birthday, and Harry had felt extremely sad for the teenager.

He knew what it was like for your birthdays to be ignored, but it shouldn't have been the same here at Hogwarts, unfortunately he couldn't even say happy birthday since how the hell was he supposed to get out of knowing his birthday? So he had kept his silence on the matter. He had gotten some things for Christmas though from those he was closest to, the other purebloods. What was odd was the fact Tom rarely let him out of his sight, the only time he got rest from the staring was classes he didn't have with him - most obvious one healing.

Which he was currently attending, able to relax he was utterly perplexed by his odd behaviour. It made him anxious and suspicious, did he know? Was he suspecting something? But he knew that it was impossible. Nobody could actually think up - you are the Master of Death and you came back in time - no, there was something else going on and he couldn't put his finger on it.

It had happened around about the same time that the students from Ravenclaw with glasses flocked to him all wanting their eyes fixed - and without needing to actually say anything he had a business venture which saw him with a sizable income.

Myrtle had gone around telling everyone five galleons! And they hadn't even thought twice about handing it over. It hadn't been long before the rest of the student body had found out either, the money pouch now rested in his breast pocket, he kept it on him at all times.

Those that hadn't been able to afford it, he had done regardless of whether he got their money or not. He felt it unfair, quite a few Slytherins sneered at his actions, Avery and Lestrange amongst them while quite a few of the others commended him on it for gaining their loyalty, that it was such a Slytherin move to make causing the others that had sneered to shut up.

Avery was never confrontational; he did have his way of letting Harry know he despised him though. He wasn't an idiot he knew why Avery never outright said anything to him, due to Tom's ever quivering temper no doubt.

Although he never showed it amongst the students, nor in front of him funnily enough, he just knew him well enough (and wasn't that bloody shocking?) to know when he was pissed off, being able to sense Tom's magic also helped too. They always disappeared to somewhere within the vastness of Slytherin common rooms. Another way he was alone and able to get away mostly to the library.

Dumbledore had toned down the looks for a while, but he was still watching him, in fact it was more of an irritated yet suspicious admiration he seemed to have now. Due to the fact all the staff had of course learned of the fact he was correcting the eyesight of all the students. He had taken a lot of delight in giving Dumbledore all the homework he had heaped upon him within two months of getting it. He had done it in full view of the staff after going to the staff room after conveniently 'forgetting' to give it to him during Transfiguration.

-----0 FLASH BACK 0------

Harry knocked on the door to the staffroom, where he knew very well there was a staff meeting currently being held. He almost jiggled around in anticipation; he had been considering doing this for the past week. Being amongst Slytherins was bringing out his rather vindictive side...oh who was he kidding? He'd always had a vindictive streak and it had come out much earlier than this.

"Can I help you?" his Ancient Runes teacher said as she opened the door, he was once again struck by how young she looked compared to how she did in his time. Admittedly he'd only ever seen her at meal times at the Great Hall, but he still saw her. Bathsheba Babbling, she didn't have make the students work hard, she was strict but fair like so many of the teachers here.

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