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Chapter 31

Harry relaxed fully once he was in Slytherin common room, which did make him feel the irony, who would have thought he'd feel at home, surrounded by future Death Eaters and a Dark Lord in Slytherin territory of all places? Sure most of the Death Eaters here were dead by the time he'd been born; it was mostly their offspring and Tom that had made his life a living hell.

Or helped at any rate, he couldn't fully blame them for everything. If the Ministry and Dumbledore had done the right thing, he would never have gone to the Dursley's and had a proper upbringing with Sirius. What kind of idiot didn't realize that the finger wasn't blown off but rather cut off? Even the Muggles would have realized that.

Instead they'd rather celebrate the downfall of the darkest wizard in the magical world and sweep his parents death under a rug and use a child as a beacon of all things good and light or scapegoat when they felt like it. No he'd been raised as a weapon, abused and ignored in a bid to make him stronger yet malleable enough to do what needed done to defeat Voldemort.

Worse was his so called best friends had been in on it, what kind of eleven year olds thought that it was right to do what they planned? There had been no reprieve for him. Not even after defeating Voldemort, he'd been hunted down continuously until they'd got what they wanted - him dead.

He'd used to think Slytherin's were dark, evil, such an insipid idiot he'd been as a child. No, they just knew what they were fighting for even at the age of eleven. They were loyal to their dying breath for a single cause they believed in.

It took a lot to shake their faith in that one cause, here he was thinking of Severus Snape. Contrary to popular belief Slytherin's didn't stab each other in the back for a better position. They tried to better themselves, no doubt, would regularly duel to prove they were better, once it was over they'd go back to normal.

Some were never challenged; he hadn't been since coming but had seen quite a few duels. It always amused him how they could duel so fiercely then go back to laughing and chatting afterwards (if they hadn't been hurt in the process, then they were sent to the Healer with a thousand excuses on the tip of their tongue).

"Hadrian, sit over here," Tom demanded imperiously, gesturing towards the very taken seat beside him, with just one look to Avery, the teen stood up and moved to the only other available seat within their little group. Tom knew the anger was just simmering under Avery's skin, he was curious to see what would happen when it exploded.

It never ceased to amazing him how they would be cursed by him without feeling angry yet when he paid more attention to someone else they got jealous and angry. Four years at Hogwarts and he was still analyzing and categorizing them, he needed to know which strings to pull if he needed something after all.

Harry refrained from rolling his eyes, not at Tom, but at the fact Tom was going to make Avery snap, he had no doubt sooner or later he'd have a fight on his hands. Hopefully later, but that wasn't exactly a Slytherin move to make, even if it made the others look down on you for attacking someone when they were weak, what could they do if you advanced in the ranks regardless?

He had no concerns though; even injured he knew he could take the wizard on without a doubt. "Only because I'm exhausted," he murmured quietly, giving a soft sigh when he sat down on the green leather couch, grinning at the exasperated look Tom gave him.

"How did detention go?" Thaddeus asked, before scowling just thinking about Dumbledore, they all hated the old man something rotten. "What did the old fool have you do?"

"Wasn't Dumbledore," Harry told him, suppressing a tired yawn, "Slughorn told me that I was serving detention with him tonight."

"That explains why you're early," Lestrange said, never once looking up as he scribbled away on his parchment, getting his homework done.

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