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Chapter 45

Tom continued to glare at Avery, his magic becoming more and more unstable the longer he stood there taking in the scene in front of him. To say he had felt his jealousy and suspicion rear like a snake to strike when he walked in was putting it very lightly indeed. He loathed anyone being to close to Hadrian, especially if he wasn't there, not that Hadrian was one for flirting with anyone, it was just that he was extremely possessive. The urge to curse Avery with the Cruciatus curse was very strong, but if he wanted answers he knew not to use that particular curse, he wouldn't get anything out of anyone after it was cast. It was worse because Hadrian had never answered him about bonding. He felt insecure and he did not like that feeling at all. "Well?" Tom whispered deadly, not having to raise his voice to get a desired reaction from anyone.

Avery remained in the exact same position, his body tense as he waited on the inevitable curses to come his way. He deserved them really; he knew the rules in Slytherin better than most. He had broken the status quo, broken the most important rules that governed them. In turn he was discarded as he should have been, since he had been shoved aside it had been unbearable, nobody would talk to him, and so many times in the past many weeks he had turned to say something but he knew it wouldn't be welcomed. His hold on his wand became slacker, not wishing to break it when the inevitable cursing started.

"Tom," Hadrian said, his tone cautioning him from acting irrationally, knowing him well enough to realize his temper was close to rearing its very ugly head and in a very dark fashion. "Let him speak." he would have stood if he'd been able to, but Avery was quite literally in the way, but Hadrian was unsure if he'd be able to keep his damn strength long enough to remain on his legs without them bucking.

"He had no right approaching you, let alone speak to you," Tom spat out, his eyes flashing with vengeance, Avery had tried to kill Hadrian, his soon to be bonded, he would see to that. Tom didn't fail not in anything, and he refused to have this as his first failure. He tightened his hands into fists, in his anger he knew he might hit Hadrian and not Avery, something he refused to do, ever. Especially not when Hadrian was as weak as he was at the moment.

'His loyalty to you can be second to none,' Hadrian hissed, 'In the future he's an important part of your...circle, as are his son and grandson, and more importantly his sister, she will give birth to a boy whose loyalty will outweigh all others. Another thing changed if the Avery's name is not restored that boy will not be born.'his agitation obvious at how he had changed such a drastic thing just by being there.

Tom paused for a few moments to think on what Hadrian had just revealed; he could see by the expression on his face that he was extremely disgruntled by his presence changing things from what he knew. He wondered if it was because Hadrian liked knowing what was coming or if he disliked the idea that he had changed so much, like Granger's fate, he was supposed to die and with it his future tormentor would not have been around he was admittedly fascinated by how much one persons appearance could change so much, it could be said that one ripple can affect everything, but to see it put to the test was intriguing to say the least. Unfortunately Hadrian obviously didn't share his curiosity over the changes, but this was admittedly different. That boy, he wondered who it was, how he affected things so much, Hadrian obviously wasn't that close to him having called him 'that boy' and not by his name, which did ease something in him.

'Explain what happened, from start to finish,'Tom demanded, his gaze solely focused on Hadrian with heat and determination. The others would pay for leaving Hadrian on his own defenceless and sick especially with Avery in the room.

'Let him explain,'Hadrian hissed out, he had no idea what was going on, he had no clue as to why Avery had suddenly done this, well except his sister thing, the rest of it was lost on him. The whole willing to bind his life to him thing, he wasn't sure if it was just a saying or if Avery actually could do it...or whether it was actually already done...it sounded like a oath with the 'so mote it be' at the end, he was so damn lost he really needed to get some pureblood books...since this was probably a pureblood thing.

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