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Chapter 15

Harry followed Tom to the dinner hall, where a lot of children were already seated eating food, they were all dressed in mismatched sometimes too large clothes but they were clean and warm. He noticed a few were supporting the same red sores on their hands as he was, even some he noticed not sitting properly and he couldn't help but wince.

In his time such actions were considered child abuse, but here it was a wildly acceptable form of punishment. When he went to Hogwarts Filch had mentioned how he wished they'd bring back those types of punishment, and often wondered if they had just stopped or had been for a long time and he was just trying to scare the hell out of eleven year olds for shits and giggles.

Filch had always been bitter, but how could he be anything but employed at Hogwarts where he saw generation after generation of witches and wizards graduate knowing he would be able to practice magic never mind graduate.

He absently caught the wooden tray that Tom handed him, his hands were no longer sore, Toms magic was doing its work all too well and for that he was grateful, even though he could have healed it himself, Tom didn't know that but had helped him anyway.

He hadn't realized Toms magic worked that way, his destructive magic he understand and had observed well enough. He had began to realize months into ending up in the past there was more to Tom than he had known - but it shouldn't have surprised him but it did.

He had assumed he knew more about Tom than he did just because he was from the future but it was a lot of crap.

Harry was brought out of his thoughts, staring down at the food he had been given, what the hell was that? That was supposed to be his dinner? There wasn't enough to feed a toddler never mind him.

Feeling suddenly sick now, he moved to sit down on one of the empty tables and stared at the food with a scowl. When he said he missed Hogwarts he bloody well meant it. Closing his eyes in realisation, the food rationing, they were only allowed so much when the Germans began bombing the submarines bringing their food supplies during the war.

Even after the war ended the rationing lasted for at least a decade afterwards. He knew he had to eat, at least something people were going hungry out there to just leave it was just horrible.

Scooping up the white stuff, still having no idea what it was he warily tested it with his fork, before gagging as the fork clattered on the plate. That was a very foul version of eggs; he was surprised he could taste what it was beyond the repugnant taste it left on his tongue.

Wiping the fork as much as he could to get rid of all traces he began to eat the carrots - at least they were safe. Carrot, egg and potato what an odd combination, but during war they had no choice. He tried to remember that as he forced himself to swallow the bland food. The small scoop of potatoes had no seasoning and he doubted hardly any butter or milk.

He ate as much as he could, he really tried, but even the food the Dursley's so graciously gave him wasn't as bad as this. He turned to stare at the others, they all ate the food as if there was nothing wrong with it, and felt pity.

"We have two hours before we have to leave," Tom stated as if he was discussing the weather, but Harry knew he wasn't, he was observing him in that way he always did.

"Go?" Harry blinked staring at Tom owlishly, until he realized that Tom was smirking at him then he narrowed his own eyes. He was being played, Tom was trying to figure out for sure whether he had ever been in the Muggle world or not. As always Tom was completely unabashed when faced with the knowledge he had been found out.

"Yes, we will be sleeping down in the train station," Tom explained, "The orphanage was evacuated to the countryside while I was at Hogwarts but they were brought back when it got too full."

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