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Chapter 20

Harry picked the letter up, and began to read the letter, which by the way had been sent through the Muggle post - no wonder it had taken so long. He had to admit it was probably the best thing to do, sending it through Muggle means that was, at least no owl would have been risked, it depressed him just thinking about it.

He'd been very attached to his own owl, who had died, Merlin he hoped to get her again one day, his beautiful snowy Hedwig. Unfortunately that wouldn't happen for fifty years, that's if she was around then who knew what would happen between now and then. He was looking forward to finding out, just as long as he got out of here.

Slughorn had given his permission, stating that he would pick them up at six PM on the dot and they were to be ready. It was today, he realized looking at the date, and August 14th obviously Slughorn hadn't realized how long it would take for the letter to get to them.

It was a good thing they were mostly already packed, although they'd need to make a show of leaving with their trunks in full view leaving without them would be suspicious.

"Does Cole know?" Harry asked, staring at Tom who he realized had sat down and was quickly eating looking vaguely excited. He knew the only thing keep him unexcited was the fact he felt like a charity case Tom never relied on anyone, and he knew the thought probably left a sour taste in his mouth.

Why he was going through with it though was a mystery, he had usual scenarios where Tom absolutely refused, yet he was coming with him. It truly baffled him and for once Harry wished he had even a smallest chance of reading Tom's thoughts, just too see what was going on in that brilliant mind of his.

At this point in time it was probably a good thing he couldn't.

"Yes, Professor Slughorn told me to give her a letter and once she finished reading it she dismissed me," Tom said smoothly, "Although if the Air Raid Siren goes, we've got to go with them, she isn't risking him not appearing on time or us ending up hurt." he sneered disdainfully.

"Was she being untruthful?" Harry pointed out seriously. Sliding the letter which he'd put back in the envelope over to Tom, it was his after all.

Tom grimaced, "No," he muttered grudgingly, before drinking his apple juice. His mind whirling on how to get back at the boys, the three of them had to pay. In hurting Hadrian they may as well have targeted him, and that was just unacceptable.

He had just an idea on how to do that, it was just doing it without Hadrian any the wiser. Seen as he seemed to know him a little too well, it would need to be last minute and he would have to be extra cautious and sneaky about it.

Then he figured out the perfect solution, absolutely perfect. He had to prevent the vindictive leer appearing on his face, they would regret it for months to come. His dark eyes sparkled in devious merriment he couldn't wait to do it.

Harry nodded letting it go without being smug about it, which would just turn Tom defensive and put him in a sour mood - at least until Slughorn came at any rate.

At least something good had come out of being here, it helped him understand Tom better, like Death had predicted but also let him show Tom that Muggles weren't bad or weak but strong and resilient in the face of adversary.

He wasn't sure if he had exactly gotten through to him or not but at least he could say he tried. He didn't want to change Tom just show him a different view on things and maybe let it change the future too. It didn't take them long to finish their rationed dinner both of them in exceedingly good moods compared to an hour ago.

"I wonder what time it is now..." Harry mused, looking around for a sign of a clock; he needed to get a watch, especially if he was in these kinds of situations where he couldn't cast the spell to tell him.

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