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Chapter 37

"Hey, weren't you all planning on going home after the party?" Hadrian asked them in surprise as he blearily made his way down from the Dorm.

As pureblood's their parents had the pull to do just that, send Portkey's, let their Head of House know and bam they were back home in their manors for the remainder of the holiday despite signing up to stay.

He was only slightly surprised that Tom wasn't there, if he got up early, he was always guaranteed to be in the library.

"Not this year," Thaddeus groaned, looking pale and sick to his stomach, glaring at Hadrian just a tad seeing he was perfectly fine.

"My parents are having a large ball tomorrow, everyone was invited of course, those gatherings are extremely boring." Well everyone except the Avery's. What Aiden had done hadn't just screwed him over, but his parents too.

"But the Yule ball isn't?" Hadrian asked would he ever figure these people out? Watching as they banished the wrapping paper that had been used to wrap their Christmas presents which they'd already opened by the look of things.

"Our parents would be there," Carrow explained, grimacing, "We would be expected to be on our best behaviour, sit like little good heirs and speak only when spoken to." He avoided them as much as he could; the worst one was definitely going to be his seventeenth birthday.

Despite the extravagant gifts he'd get, it was going to be the most boring day of his life, the only upside? He could legally drink.

Hadrian nodded thoughtfully, wondering idly if he had been brought up by his parents if he would feel the same. Bored of all the parties, knowing his dadthere would have been a few amusing parts to the whole thing.

James Potter had been a prankster at heart, even after he grew up, although he had no empathy for those he tormented in the name of fun. His pranks were harmful in nature, made him have a lot of enemies, of the pissed off kind not murderous although that might depend on who was asked.

"By the way Hadrian, the pocket watch? It's brilliant, thank you," Thaddeus said excitedly, it wasn't plain like the one his parents had given him years ago, it was green, with the Slytherin coat of arms on it, it was like he had actually made it himself or altered it at least.

"Glad you liked it," Hadrian replied wryly, it was difficult as hell to buy for the guys who already had everything they could possibly want. He'd never had that problem before; Ron was fine with sweets or something similar and books for Hermione.

His heart hurt just thinking about them, what they'd done to him, how they'd so easily discarded seven years of friendship and actually tried to kill him multiple times over the years. He rarely thought about them, at least by name, it certainly caught him unaware.

"Aren't you going to open yours?" Rosier prompted, still a little unsure since he hadn't been part of the 'main' group as long as the others that's not to say he wasn't confident and full of himself, he never displayed his insecurity that was a death sentence in Slytherin especially while moving up the hierarchy.

"Probably after breakfast," Harry said shrugging indifferently, growing up with the Dursley's had certainly made sure he didn't expect things from anyone, although it made him feel great that people did want to give him a gift.

Even if some of them are way over the top expensive, but that was pureblood's for you. Glancing over at the Christmas tree, he saw that it was completely empty, the gifts had obviously been moved to the dorms at some point - he honestly hadn't noticed.

"Man you did that last year," Thaddeus said shaking his head, groaning as his head throbbed.

"Why haven't you taken a potion?" Hadrian asked drolly.

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