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Chapter 44

Tom was woken up early by Lestrange informing him that there was mail downstairs in the common room for him. Which was odd, he rarely received anything this early; usually he opened his mail in the Great Hall during breakfast. He wondered what Abraxas could be getting in touch with him for and so early too. Slowly unwinding himself from Hadrian, who remained deeply asleep, he grabbed his gown, put it on and tied the cord around him as he slid into his slippers. With that he put the covers back so Hadrian didn't end up cold, he was already ill as it was with the flu. Making his way down the stairs, he observed that there weren't many people up, just Lestrange and Carrow, working on their homework last minute as usual.

Tom went over to the chute, and flipped through the mail, and taking his own (and Hadrian's) before sitting down in what Slytherin knew to be solely his seat. Opened his mail, finding it from the Ministry of Magic, which made him cautious, why would they be writing to him? The answer was quite quickly unveiled, they were sending him his 'Uncle's' things, or at least the items actually worth anything. A death certificate, a ring and a snake skin wallet that looked utterly disgusting, inside was a galleon and a few sickles and more importantly a key, a Gringotts key, probably to the empty Gaunt vault. He took the money and the key and quickly banished the wallet having no desire to own anything of Morfin Gaunts. They must have concluded their investigation and filed it as solved otherwise he wouldn't have received Morfin's things.

"Is Hadrian alright?" Lestrange asked, genuine concern crossing his features, wizarding flu was a nasty thing to have and it killed wizards and witches, not so much these days but it still happened enough to be concerned about it.

"He's fine," Tom replied immediately, Hadrian had been immunised against wizarding flu as a child in the future he was assuming. Hadrian had just insisted it was like a very nasty cold, not that he'd know he'd continued, he'd never been sick a day in his life apparently. Being locked up away from everyone and their germs would accomplish that Tom conceded. He had a feeling Hadrian had actually told him for his own benefit.

Making a decision, Tom left the common room without another word and made his way back up the stairs, he entered his dorm quietly and began to dress as quickly as possible, sliding the items he wished to take into his pocket including the basilisk venom and skin he had collected just last night. He didn't bother with a shower; he wanted to get this done as quickly as possible now that he had decided to do it today. Despite his haste to dress he was as always impeccably attired, sliding from the room, he made his way back down stairs.

"If Hadrian doesn't attend breakfast bring him something back, he needs to eat, do not disturb him just put it on the table under a warming charm until he comes down." Tom demanded they were already nodding in agreement to his demands, without more ado he exited the common room knowing Hadrian would be fine until he returned.

There was nobody outside in the halls; it was still a bit too early for them to go to breakfast since it wouldn't be served for at least half an hour yet. Tom went up the stairs and made his way directly to the one eyed witch, he may have only gone this way with Hadrian once, but it was enough for him to remember it by. He ensured that nobody was watching before sliding through into the secret passageway, and lighting it up with a bit of Wandless magic. The magical globe of light followed beside him, bobbing up and down as he walked. It was the next part that had him apprehensive, the shops opened really early, and the owners might already be in the shop. So once he approached the stairs, he cast a concealment spell upon himself and levitated the stone when he got to them a few minutes later. The cellar of Honeydukes was in darkness, satisfaction thrummed through him as he stepped up and let the stone slot back into place.

Just as he had done so the door opened and light spilled in, Tom remained where he was completely still, watching as a woman he saw in the store from time to time come down the steps. Once she was away from them, he silently as possible began to walk up the steps, but the shifting of the boxes helped keep his footsteps silent. He made sure nobody was at the top of the shop before freezing the bell and opening the front door, only once he was out did he unfreeze the bell and begin his journey towards Gringotts, removing the concealment charm when he was further away from the shop.

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