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Chapter 46

Hadrian grumbled under his breath, he'd woken up extremely early, and for the life of him he just could not get back to sleep no matter what he did. The books he'd owl ordered had come on Saturday a few hours after lunch, giving him something to do this weekend, as Tom had foiled each attempt he had at getting out of bed unless it was to use the toilet. His green eyes snapped open, staring at the canopy above him, well there was one thing said for this weekend, all the rest had made him feel a lot better.

Glancing to his left he stared at Tom, he was deeply asleep; he looked years younger without the masks he liked to keep up while he was awake. Next year Tom would be a prefect, and he would look exactly like Hadrian knew him from the Horcrux in the chamber of secrets. Still utterly gorgeous, not that he'd thought that at the time, no he'd just been calculating their similarities, looks, magic, abilities, home life at least what little of it he had revealed. Tom had thought he was an orphan; the Horcrux only had memories of until it was made, and Tom went to visit the Gaunt shack looking for his grandfather but found his uncle who told him about his father leading to the events of the second Horcrux being made. Yes they were alike, more than he had fathomed before he came back here. The care in which Tom exhibited had surprised him though, the time he'd been attacked by the cub, he had been unconscious and therefore hadn't seen how deep Tom felt for him.

There would come a time where he had to tell Tom everything, he knew about the hallows, he knew about him being back in time, but he didn't know about him being Master of Death and immortal to boot. He didn't want to tell him, at least not yet, it had made him nervous but also made his heart soar when Tom declared he wanted to bond with him, it showed he cared, wanted him even, and Tom didn't even know about his immortality yet. What if telling him had the opposite affect? What if he began to distrust him? It had been a long time since Tom found out nearly it all, and they'd been together quite a while, what if Tom saw it as a betrayal?

He didn't want to lose Tom, and he did want to stay with him, did that mean he wanted to bond with him? The patronus sure gave the indication that he had fallen for him quite hard. These feelings were all so unfamiliar to him; he had felt fondness and platonic love for his friends that had long ago turned to hatred, betrayal and disgust. He had felt fondness for Sirius, he had been devastated when he died, but he wasn't sure he could honestly say he loved him, he hadn't been in his life long enough for that. What he felt for Tom was different, nobody had treated him the way Tom did, and nobody had really cared like he did. Was it love? Just the thought of being away from Tom made his heart ache, the thought of Tom turning his back when he learned the truth...and that he'd kept it from him.

Sighing softly, Hadrian decided to get up, he really didn't like the turn his thoughts had taken and really early too, and so he slowly removed himself from Tom's arm, which had been clinging to his stomach. Everyone else was still asleep, although they might not be for much longer, it depended on the time, which to him seemed to be going slower than normal. Opening his drawers he pulled out clean uniform and everything he'd need, grabbing his shower bag he exited the dorm as quietly as possible so he didn't wake everyone. Heaven forbid if he did that, they would complain all day and he definitely didn't want to deal with that.

A quick shower later, Hadrian dried himself of, flinging the used towel into the laundry basket, where it disappeared immediately; Hadrian didn't need to wonder where it went like he had when he was eleven. There was another basket just like the one here in the utility room next to the kitchen where it was transported to for the house-elves to clean and replace in the dorms. Hadrian stepped up to the mirror once he was dressed and began to fiddle with his tie, a Slytherin, who would have thought it, he mused to himself, as he always did when he saw himself with his uniform on. Two years since his life had changed for the better, and he'd only really had one life threatening situation happen. It was a bloody miracle is what it is was. Hopefully he hadn't just cursed himself by thinking about it; it would just be his luck.

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